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Aubry's POV-

The school bell finally rang signaling the end of the day. I let out a sigh of relief only for it to be replaced by anxiety and fear. I needed this, I needed help. I just prayed that I could impress Aiden and that he'd help me. I retrieved my clothes for the next day from my locker, and then I was off to see what my future consisted of.

The address that he gave me was a long way from the school, especially on foot. I was trying to get there quickly, but I gave up on that fast due to the increased traffic all across town and my horribly aching body. I was breathing heavily by the time I made it to the address. Each breath felt like an ache that I couldn't even describe, it was just pain all over.

I stood in front of the big warehouse-like building that I was instructed to go to. There red letters across the top of the building spelling out 'Johnny's gym' in faded paint that was almost illegible. The building looked old, but judging by the cars in the parking lot, there were quite a few people in the gym.

I let out a pent up breath as I walked up the pathway to the black door. I opened the heavy door and walked in, trying not to outwardly show the pain that was plaguing me. I tried to be quiet, but due to the slamming door that didn't happen.

As soon as the door closed, all eyes were on me. I almost cringed because of the looks I was receiving, but I schooled my emotions instantly. I didn't want to give away my uncomfortableness with the attention, nor did I want to give away my physical injuries.

I quickly spotted Aiden across the gym, he was quite hard to miss, he was also looking at me. As soon as I caught his eyes, he scowled at me. Well hello to you too, jack ass.

I made my way to Aiden and mock saluted him, though it was very painful. Everyone else slowly went back to what they were doing, I could tell they were still trying to see what business I had there.

"Reporting for duty, sir." I said chuckling trying to break the tension.

He wasn't amused, "I told you to be here right after school. It's past four now! I don't like to be kept waiting."

"That's not even that late! School got out at three-thirty! Besides, I had to walk here! This place is far from school, genius! We're lucky that I made it here in just thirty minutes anyways."

"Whatever," He grunted at me. "BRANDON!" He yelled across the gym making everyone look at us again. I couldn't stop myself from ducking behind him, away from everyone's stares. "What are you doing?" He asked with a scowl as I realized how close to him I actually was.

I gave him a sheepish smile as I searched for an answer in my mind. "Um... I was admiring your biceps?" It came out as more of a question. I wanted to face palm myself for being so awkward, but I had pretty much no good social skills so I had absolutely nothing to go off of.

As Aiden stood there studying me, probably trying to figure out the best way to get rid of me, the boy with the shaggy blonde hair walked up to us leisurely. I immediately panicked. Once again, probably for no reason. Luckily, he hadn't even glanced at me yet as he was asking Aiden what he wanted.

"Brandon this is-"

My eyes widened and I found myself ducking behind Aiden again as he spoke, not wanting to face the blond guy to explain the night before to him. I don't know why I never put two and two together, I guess I had other things on my mind, but obviously the boy's friend was going to be at the gym too. He trained too. I really didn't want to deal with any of this right then... I was too tired and hurt to be dealing with things like that.

"What are you doing?" Aiden asked again in an annoyed tone as he gently pulled me out from behind him. I looked down to the floor in shame, not answering him. "This is-... Um actually, what is your name?" Aiden asked.

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