Friend -Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

I knew that it was weird.. barely decorating a tree on Christmas eve. Most people do it close after Thanksgiving. But my mom had just always been so busy with work that she couldn't ever help us until Christmas even when she finally got off for the holiday.

I was nervous that Aubry was standing there and judging. I knew that was kind of stupid... I mean it was Aubry that we were talking about. However, I couldn't help my self-consciousness. I was just so used to people judging and looking down on me and my family.

When she said that her hesitance was due to the fact that she had never decorated a Christmas tree before... I was baffled. Before, when she said that she was doing nothing for the holidays, I hadn't realized that it was a common occurrence for her. I couldn't believe that she hadn't ever decorated for Christmas, or another type of holiday close to Christmas, before... It just goes to show how different some people's lives are from others.

All of my fear of judgment quickly dissipated and it was replaced with the want to show her a lovely holiday. To give her the holiday that she deserved.


Soon after the tree was done, my family began showing up.

I truly hadn't been told that Grams and Gramps were coming until late the night before. I knew that Aubry was going to be uncomfortable at meeting them. I mean, she was still uncomfortable when she came into my house with only my immediate family there. So, I knew that brand new people were going to stress her out.

I just had to figure out how to keep her calm. There was no reason to get anxious, my Grandparents were as sweet as could be and Uncle Chris was fun and accepting. However, I knew how anxiety could be... it was unpredictable and completely irrational.

I just hoped that I could make her comfortable enough to get her through the immediate stress.

"Don't worry! They'll love you! All of my sane family does!" I found myself reassuring her and grabbed her hand at the sight of her panicked face. I quickly realized how much I didn't want to let go.

When everyone came back into the room, I reluctantly let her pull her hand away. I wasn't sure why I was being so clingy and crazy over her. I was being ridiculous, frankly. It was crazy how all rational thoughts in my brain dissipated when it came to Aubry. My feelings were evolving too quickly for the small girl, and I was not comfortable with it at all.

Aubry took a step back and found her way behind me. That seemed to be her go-to when nervous, just hiding behind me like a child. It used to annoy the hell out of me, but it quickly evolved into a strange sort of endearment. Not mention, pride since I was the one that she was using as a comfort shield.

That being said, hiding behind me did absolutely nothing to keep my family from seeing her. As soon as my grandparents walked into the room, my grandma introduced herself and gave her a big hug. My whole family were huggers... It was rather annoying, but it was also kind of sweet.

I saw Aubry stiffen up and I immediately remembered her awful-looking ribs. I had to get her out of that hug. I knew that Aubry was too polite to decline, and I knew that my grandma probably didn't even give her the chance to. She was hurting, I could see it in her body language.

I quickly jumped into action and pulled Aubry out of my Grams' grasp. I knew I looked crazy, but I didn't care... I couldn't stand Aubry being hurt. Everyone looked at me like a lunatic for telling my grandma to let her go so abruptly.

"Sorry, she hurt herself yesterday when we were working out. She didn't want to be rude and refuse your hug. However, I'm sure that hurt her." I clarified before everyone could get mad at me.

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