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Aubry's POV-

I was slouched in the chair that was at teacher's desk. I devoured my (well Aiden's) green apple in just a few minutes. It didn't satisfy me, but my hunger pains more or less went away. Now, I was just left with regular pains.

I glanced up at the clock on the opposite side of the room, it had been exactly eight minutes since I came into this room. Aiden had one and a half minutes to get in there with me before his repercussions. In actuality, I would never put The Underground at risk. There are some scary people who run that place, and they wouldn't hesitate to hurt me. But Aiden didn't know that I wouldn't expose him, he just had to think that I would.

I went through the desk as I was waiting; there wasn't much to it. There were dry erase markers, paper clips and paper towels sitting on top of the desk. A few papers sat around cluttering the otherwise clean room. It was a mostly abandoned room unless there was a class moved to it, but most of the time it wasn't used. A lot of people used the room to skip or whatever.

I heard footsteps outside the door and stood up quickly making me jump in pain. I pushed the pain away and smoothed out my sweater nervously. I walked around to the front of the desk and waited for the door to open. I just hoped he would hear me out.

There he was... Aiden walked in quickly closing the door fast and looked at me for a few seconds. I stood there under his scrutinizing gaze for a few seconds before opened my mouth to speak, but before I even had a chance for words to come out, he lunged for me. My eyes widened in surprise and I had no time to make a single move.

Suddenly, his lips were on mine and his nose was brushing against mine. He backed me into the teacher's desk making my lower back dig into the metal. Ow. I made a slight squeaky sound and pushed him with all my mite, but he must have thought that was part of the foreplay because he tightened his hold on me. So, without thinking of anything else to do, I brought my fist up and punched him in the right cheek. Shit that hurt! He instantly stopped and turned around away from me with what sounded like a growl leaving his lips.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed.

My nose was hurting so bad and my lips felt like someone dragged razor blades across them. Who the hell just kisses someone like that?! I mean, it would have been a pretty decent kiss if I didn't feel like I was dying. That wasn't the point though... WHAT THE HELL!?

"What? I mean, most of the time when girls ask me into an abandoned room, they want a quickie," he stated still not looking at me.

He turned around with an angry expression, but it was quickly replaced by shock. I had no time to dwell on his facial expressions because he began walking to me. I was smart enough to know that when you piss a guy off that you don't know, you don't let him get you, but you also don't turn your back on him. So, I was kind of stuck backing up as he walked forward. Obviously, he had the advantage in moving forward instead of backwards and made it to me before I could run away.

When he finally made it to me, he grabbed my arm, not roughly like I expected, and pulled me closer to him. Instead of hitting me or yelling at me, like I was prepared for, he tore off some paper towels from the roll that was sitting on the desk. I looked at him with a confused look, not understanding what he was doing, but he didn't say a word. He brought the napkins up to my nose and held them there a for a few seconds. At that point I finally realized I tasted blood in my mouth.

"Hold these here and don't move them," he stated in a commanding voice. I obeyed and placed my fingers on both sides of my nose.

I heard him tear more paper towels free and he gently put those on my lips wiping the blood away. After a few minutes he threw those paper towels away and gestured for the ones I was holding on to. I pulled them away from my nose and put them in the trashcan that he put on top of the desk.

"It's broke," he said.

"I don't know about-" I answered but he cut me off.

"That wasn't a question. It's broken." He took more paper towels and handed them to me, "blow as hard as you can into these. It's gonna hurt... A lot."

I did as I was told and he was right it hurt like hell, but I kept a straight face. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right. He was a grade A dick and I wasn't sure why he was helping me. It unnerved me, to say the least.

"When did this happen?" He asked quietly studying my face. I knew he was now realizing how messed up I looked.


"Do you want me to fix it?"

I nodded with no hesitation.

"It's going to hurt really bad, but it won't be crooked anymore, and you'll be able to breathe. Hopefully it'll help the swelling go down as well. There's not much that can be done for the bruising though. Time is the only thing that'll heal those."

He made a triangle out of his fingers as he began repositioning my nose. I could tell he tried to do it gently, but either way it didn't feel good. It hurt. It hurt really, really badly. I was almost sure that it hurt more than when it got broken, but I couldn't be completely positive about that. We'll just call it equal hurts. I stood there quietly until he said he was done. Afterwards, I went around and looked into one of the sleeping computer monitors, it was a lot straighter.

I looked up at him, "thank you so much." I really was super appreciative. He didn't have to do that, and he did. Maybe he wasn't too bad.

He nodded at me stiffly. "Okay what do you want?" He asked gruffly. "I'm pretty sure you didn't call me in here to fix your broken nose and obviously you don't want to hook up." He said impatiently. "By the way, I don't appreciate blackmail."

I looked him through my bangs, and he looked pissed. I was starting to second guess myself. I honestly couldn't handle another beating in my condition, I'd probably die.

"I know, and I'm sorry about that. I just didn't know how else to get you in here..." I paused and took a breath, "I need you to train me."

His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, "train you for what exactly?"

I looked at him sheepishly, "I need you to train me to fight so I can do it at the underground."

He laughed, it was a hysterical laugh. Like I had just told the world's funniest joke. "You, fight? Hahahaha. You weigh what? A hundred pounds. No, hell no. Besides, I. Don't. Train. People." He said turning around to leave.

"Wait! I'll pay you! Let's say ten percent of my profits?" I called out to him.

He paused and laughed again. "WOW! A whole ten percent!" He yelled sarcastically. "Half." He countered.

I scoffed at that, "Twenty-five."

"It doesn't matter about your money, I don't train."

"Please, just give me a chance! I can surprise you!" I said walking up to him to get closer to him. "I'm not going to leave you alone until you at least entertain the idea. I'll do anything! Please just let me try!"

"Have you ever even fought before, little girl?" He asked smugly.

The little girl part pissed me off and I sneered at him. I walked forward and backed him into a corner. "What did you just call me?" I asked venomously. It's what I've been called my whole life, I thought I was done with that after the day before.

He laughed at me. "what are you gonna do? Hit me again? You didn't even leave a mark."

"I might." I was so tempted to do it. I didn't care if it hurt him or not. At least it made me feel better.

He sighed, I knew he could tell that I wouldn't leave him alone until he gave me chance. I truly wouldn't, I was too desperate. "I'll tell you what, I kind of like your spunk, as annoying as it is... Come by Johnny's gym after school on the fifteen hundred block of third street. You'll see it. I'll think of something that'll impress me and if you can do it, I'll train you." He turned to the door and paused before opening it, "walk out at least five minutes after me." And then he was gone.

I got a chance! I just couldn't mess it up.

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