Every scar has a story

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Aubry's POV-

We pulled up to the house and I was fidgeting like crazy. I had already been to his house and met his family, but I was still so nervous. I mean, he said they liked me so I shouldn't be nervous anymore, right? Obviously my mind didn't think like that. We stepped out of the truck and I took a deep breath. I couldn't explain why I was so scared, but there were so any scenarios that were playing out in my mind... none of them were good.

Aiden gently put his hand on my lower back, abruptly making my mind hush, and guided me into the house. He opened the door for us and the aroma that I smelled was quite possibly the best smell ever. It was amazing.

"Oh my goodness, what is that smell?" I asked walking towards the scent unconsciously.

He smiled a big smile. "That would be the double chocolate death cake."

My mouth watered just at the words. I couldn't remember the last time I had anything chocolate. I just hoped that it tasted as good as it smelled.

Aiden led us into the kitchen and I saw what looked like enough food to feed a hundred people. There was all sorts of food, even more than most people's thanksgiving, times two. It was definitely the most food I had ever seen in my life.

Finally my eyes made their way away from the food and over to Dana, Aiden's mom. She had on a black dress with heels and her hair was in a nice updo as she was putting the finishing touches on all the food.

I was suddenly very aware of my attire. I had on my only pair of jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. I didn't know we were supposed to dress up. I wouldn't have come if that was the case...

"Aiden! Finally, I thought you-" she turned around and her eyes landed on me. "A-Aubry! I didn't know that you were coming," she said looking at Aiden very pointedly.

"Um- I can... um, go. I didn't know this was going to be a formal thing. I mean, obviously I'm not dressed correctly." I said shrugging and pointing down to my clothes.

"Aiden just told me that it was going to be a family gathering, not some formal party thing. I just came because I heard you were cooking and Aiden said that it would make Robert happy... so it's not that big of a deal if I'm not here."

Dana's face visibly softened at me. "No! Aubry, don't get me wrong or think I'm being rude... I want you to be here! It was just a surprise to see you. It will certainly make dad happy. He's been asking when you were coming back basically since you left." She sighed and shook her head, "It's just that my family.... My family is a little critical-"

"She means bitchy... especially Tommy's step mom and step sister," Aiden clarified earning a hard look from his mom. "What? Its true!"

"Anyways, if you think you can handle my family then I would love for you to stay... Pawpaw would love to play you in chess again after dinner," she said patting my arm.

It was weird being touched for comfort not for someone to use me or to hit me. It was weird, but nice.

I smiled thinking about the food that smelled so amazing, "yes, I would like to stay."

She smiled at me and nodded. "Okay... but how about we find you something else to wear," she told me sweetly. "BRIANA!" She yelled.

I instantly got nervous again. I mean, I don't dress up... ever. I've never even owned nice clothes.

Briana came into the kitchen and looked at me blankly, not a single emotion seemed to cross her face. She was wearing a dark green long dress with a dark jacket over it and her hair was in pretty curls.

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