Distance -Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

I wasn't mad per se. Upset? Yes, but not mad. I was upset because a girl, who had only met my family twice could see right through the act. She could see right through me. I let her get too close. Nothing good ever came from being close to me... just ask Briana.

I had to distance myself.

That was how it was going to have to be from then on... Tommy and Brandon were going to take over Aubry's training. I was taking myself out of the equation. I was removing myself from her life. It was too dangerous, too dangerous for anyone to be near me.

I could feel Aubry's questioning glare the whole night. I could feel it at the gym, in the car, when we got to The Underground, when Crystal came up to me, even when Crystal had thrown herself at me and we were making out... I could feel Aubry all around. It was maddening.

I was way too invested in her. I cared about her more than I wanted to admit. Had Tommy actually been right about my feelings for her? That thought scared me.

I saw Aubry knock the guy out on stage and I felt pride fill me up. That was when I let Crystal lead me out of The Underground. I wanted to get away from her penetrating stare and the pull that Aubry seemed to have on me. I didn't want her... but yet, I did.

I wanted to create space between us. If Crystal wanted to be that space... then so be it.

"This is just a hook up." I told her firmly before I let her kiss me again.

She said nothing and continued to try to kiss me.

"No, I need to hear that you understand me... This is just a hookup, nothing else."

"Okay," she said in a whiny voice making me cringe.

I then looked at her closer and sighed in defeat. I couldn't do it... All I could see was Aubry when I looked at anyone now. This was messed up! I didn't even like the girl. Now she was all I thought about.

I stopped Crystal before she kissed me again or got down to her knees, "I'm sorry... this isn't going to happen."

"What?!" Crystal screeched at me.

I honestly felt a little bad, but I couldn't do it... and that pissed me off.

Before I could get any other words out, I heard Brandon yelling, "Aubry!"

My eyes widened when it registered to me that him yelling for her meant that she wasn't with him. What? Where was she?!

"You lost Aubry?" I accused B before I could help myself.

"Don't act all high and mighty while you're over there screwing some bitch. You didn't even watch her fight! You weren't there! So don't pretend to care now." Brandon yelled back. Brandon didn't usually get all worked up like that, so I could tell he was nervous.

I took a deep breath trying not to snap back at him. "What did she say and what happened before she left?

"Seriously Aiden?" Crystal yelled at me.

"Yes," was all I said to her.

She stomped off back into The Underground with a huff. I sighed as I saw Brandon's smirk at me. "Not a word," I told him with a look.

"Anyways... Trey came and talked to us, she seemed really shaken. Then she just said that she'd be back and ran off. We lost sight of her in the crowd when she walked away. That was a while ago... T and I have looked pretty much everywhere. We can't find her!" He was practically frantic.

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