Please Let Her Be Okay -Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

My eyes were feeling heavy and I kept yawning. The clock read eleven-fifty PM. I suppose that the late nights with no sleep were starting to catch up to me. I slowly parked my truck in the bus station parking lot.

"Chris why did you have to get a bus ride this late? Fifteen past midnight? Really Christopher, unnecessary!" I groaned loudly and yawned once again.

Of course, Chris just laughed loudly at me. "Oh, stop your complaining Aiden! You should be thanking me! I got you out of going to school tomorrow, so shut up! Though, I do know that you need your beauty sleep. You don't come by your looks so naturally like me. And P.S. the later bus was a hundred bucks cheaper." He continued to laugh at me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed at his words. Before, I would have been really happy to stay home from prison, I mean school. I would be able to sleep late, stay in my pajamas, and nap all day long. However, none of that really came to mind any longer... all I could think about was not seeing Aubry all day long.

It was quite ridiculous, my growing infatuation. It was getting out of control, in all honesty. It was clear that I needed to work on it... Maybe the day away from her would be a good thing. Give me time to clear out my head.

"Okay, well.... I guess I'll see you later then, buddy." Chris said awkwardly while turning around to get his bags.

"Don't be silly! I'll at least walk you to the door. I don't want you to slip on the ice and break a hip or something like the little old man that you are." I said laughing as he rolled his eyes.

"Who are you calling old, punk? I'm way better than you." He laughed heartily. "Where'd you think you got your good looks from? Obviously it's your sexy uncle that all of the ladies want." He said jovially while getting out of the truck making me shake my head laughing.

The temperature was well below freezing, and we getting one of the few bits of snowfall that we'd see that year. The snow was coating the ground in a white blanket. Aubry had been right earlier that day, the snow really was such a beautiful thing.

Chris and I made our way up to the door of the pretty abandoned bus station. Hardly anyone was there besides the employees and us, maybe just another patron or two. There was also a noticeable person laying curled up under their jacket in a heap on one of the concrete benches that were scattered sporadically around the walkway.

I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out why the person wasn't inside. They would freeze out on one of the cold benches. There wasn't even hardly any wind block in the walk way. Not only was it below freezing, but the falling snow was quickly turning into an actual storm. Meaning that the wind was beginning to whip and was even starting to blow some of the snow in under the awning.

I made out the sign that was taped on the door in very large bold letters, 'NO HOMELESS ALLOWED.'

We were quickly approaching nearer to the person and I felt so compelled to help them. How was the person going to survive? Why couldn't they just let them in?! There was hardly anyone even in the station!

"Aw, that poor person..." My uncle said with pity. "I don't know how their withstanding this freezing weather," Chris said as we walked by. "Especially with a torn jacket."

Wait, a torn jacket?

I don't know what compelled me to turn back around to look... Probably that I was going crazy and making my whole life about Aubry. I turned back around to look at the small, presumably homeless, person. I sucked in a sharp breath when I realized that the jacket looked just like Aubry's. Right down to the recent tear...

"Aid, come on... leave them alone," Chris was chastising.

A heavy sinking feeling began in my chest.

I already had a bad feeling, but this made it ten times worse. It couldn't be her. It couldn't!

I had to satiate my fears... I couldn't just walk away. What if, what if, what if... it was her?

I walked up to the bench that the person was laying on despite my uncle's loud protests. I couldn't leave well enough alone. I had to look. Something in my brain wasn't letting me stop.

I had to make sure that it wasn't her...

Please don't let it be her.

I held my breath as I gently pulled the coat from their face.

My whole word stopped in that moment.

It was her!

She was shivering violently, her skin was pale and icy, she was slightly damp, and her eyes were pretty much closed. I felt tears of panic come to my eyes.

I felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when I could feel the pumping underneath my fingers. She was alive! THANK GOD!

"Aiden!" Chris' voice finally registered in my mind. "AIDEN!" His voice was closer and louder than before. "Aid-" His voice stopped short whenever he caught sight of her face.

"Aubry, wake up! Wake up! Wake up, please!" I said shaking her slightly.

She was unresponsive.

"Fuck!" Chris exclaimed loudly. "Get her to your mom! Your house is much closer than the hospital, and your mom will know what to do."

I took a few deep breaths and nodded at his rational reasoning.

"I'll call her and tell her what to expect! I think she's in the early stages of hypothermia." Chris said putting his hand on her cheek and then pulling it away. He looked around frantically. "Go on now, help your girl."

I wrapped my own jacket around her and picked her up as gently as I could.

"Try not to shake her around too much... you never know what else is wrong with her. Quickly now... Aiden, go."

I did as I was told and got her home in record timing.

My mom was waiting by the door for us. Aubry was still shaking and whimpering in my arms. Her eyes had fluttered every now and then, but never focused on anything around her.

She had to be okay.

"Put her on the couch," my mom said in a no non-sense tone. She was rushing around the living room hastily as she got everything ready. "Now leave. Get out. I'll tell you when you can come back."

"Mom, no I-" I started but she cut me off before I could get anymore out.

"Aiden I do not have time to argue with you... Leave. Go make some hot chocolate for when she wakes up."

Her voice was one that I knew not to argue with, so I simply nodded and did as she said.



Sooooo, What do y'all think?? Tell me your story predictions in the comments! Thank y'all for the wonderful encouragements last update, they really helped a lot! PLEASE continue to comment and vote, it motivates me! Also, please share this story! we just hit 4K views, HOPEFULLY we can get to A LOT more! vote, comment and share!


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