Hulk super smash angry- Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

Aubry was doing amazing. Honestly, it was like this girl was a natural born fighter. She was making some of the people who had been training for even a couple years look awful in comparison.

When I decided to put her up against Owen, a sixteen year old big guy, it was purely to see what she could do. Owen wasn't the best fighter, but he was strong as hell. I wanted to see what she could do up against someone with pure strength. She'd have to play it smart...

Tommy and Brandon walked up and stood next to me as Owen was making his way to the mats. They were incredibly impressed by Aubry too. Someone picking up techniques and skills as fast as she was, was completely unheard of. It usually would take at least a few months to get to the point where she was.

I looked at both of them for a moment, acknowledging their presence. Then I turned my attention back to the fighters to begin the match. However, when I looked back up, I got angry. Not just angry, hulk super smash angry.

Owen had ran up on Aubry, with her being completely unsuspecting, and body slammed her small body right into the mats. I immediately saw red. Aubry was little, and this was a big guy, for him to throw cheap shots like that was completely and totally uncalled for and messed up.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed at the boy as he stood over Aubry who had yet to move. As soon as I stepped one foot onto the mats, Aubry pushed herself up with a groan. She gave me a look that made me stop in my tracks, and then turned a menacing glare at the boy.

With no words, not a single one, she threw her fist at the boy's face with a power that I had never seen before from her. She hit him four times in the face. When he doubled over in pain from her hits, she began kneeing him in the stomach. Then whenever he hit the ground, she stomped on his chest.

My eyes widened at her brutality. He deserved it though...

She stood over him, waiting for him to get up, but he didn't. He was out cold from her savage attack. I didn't feel even the least bit sorry for the fucker.

"Oh my god! That was incredible!" Brandon said as Tommy gave her a fist bump when she walked over to where we were standing. They were obviously just as impressed as I was.

Aubry, however, was still frowning deeply and breathing hard. She worn a deep look of disdain and anger on her face. I still couldn't believe that he had done that... I also couldn't believe that she had done that either...

"Aubry?" I asked feeling concerned over her silence. "Are you okay? He slammed you pretty hard, your ribs must be killing you."

She nodded, but didn't utter a single word. She inhaled deeply and made a strangled noise in the back of her throat. I wasn't sure if the noise was in pain or anger, maybe both.

We were all worried about her. Over the past week, we had all gotten to know her personality a little bit better. She was shy, awkward, compassionate, blunt, honest, and feisty as hell. The way she was right then was certainly not her usual self; it was a side that I had yet to see.

She finally turned away from all our watching stares, not answering any of our questions. She walked over to the closest punching bag, and hit it with a glower. The bag swung violently, but she didn't relent, she just continued to hit the bag over and over again.

My eyes stayed glued to her form. She was fundamentally correct in her stance and techniques, and I could see right then that she had that natural ability in her. She was a beast, I had never seen her hit so hard in all the times that we were training. It was amazing to see how far she had come in only a week.

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