We're not together

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Aubry's POV-

I was in Aiden's truck for the first time. It was nice, but not too flashy or anything. It was clean and smelled like him; I couldn't help but to breathe the sent in deeply. Good lord, I'm such a creep, I don't understand how just the scent of someone can make you feel calm. His effect on me was weird and unusual... it made me question a lot of things within myself.

When we pulled up to his house my anxious overthinking kicked into overdrive. Brandon and Tommy were already there since they left before us in Brandon's car. I didn't even realize that the truck was off and not moving until Aiden opened the door for me.

"Come on, my family isn't too bad. Besides, it's not like you're my girlfriend or anything. We're friends, and friends hangout. Don't worry." Aiden said gently while pulling me from the car.

He was right, it was not that big of a deal. But why couldn't I convince my overactive brain that?

As we walked to the house I studied everything around. He lived in a nice part of town. Well not the super nice part, but where the upper middle class and old people lived. The house was pretty nice on the outside as well. It was well upkept and painted. It was just 1 story, but looked very big and spacious. I couldn't wait to see inside. I wasn't granted inside other people's homes too often, so when I was allowed, it amazed me.

As soon as Aiden opened the front door, a little blonde headed girl came barreling toward us and practically tackled Aiden.

"Bubba! I missed you!" She squeaked out as Aiden hugged her with an adoring smile.

"I missed you too Cece. I have a friend I want you to meet... Cece, this is Aubry. Aubry, this is Cece, my baby sister." Aiden said gesturing between us.

She looked at me skeptically with her big blue eyes, they were the same shade as Aiden's, and that made me a little weak. I had never really ever been around kids before, so I didn't know exactly what to say or do. I knelt down to her level, despite the blaring pain in my side, and smiled at her warmly. "Hi Cece, it's so nice to meet you. The only thing is... you're so pretty and obviously very smart, there's absolutely no way that you can be related to Aiden!" I said quickly.

My words caused her to laugh and smile at me brightly. "Hi Aubry! Come meet my mommy and pawpaw! They'll be happy to see you since Aiden never brings friends home," she said grabbing my hand and dragging me with her. I shot a scared look at Aiden, but he smiled reassuringly.

As we made it closer to the room with all the voices in it, my panicked anxiousness began to rise alarmingly. I took in my appearance and almost face palmed myself; I had on leggings, a way oversized t-shirt that read "give blood, save a life" that I had received for free from donating blood once, and on top of that I was wearing a long black sweater. Why didn't Aiden tell me I look like trash before we came? I didn't have much better, but I should have at least tried.

"Why didn't you tell me to change clothes? I look stupid and now your mom is going to hate me." I whispered to him in annoyance.

He furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at me seemingly unbothered by ,y outfit choice. "You look fine Aubry. My mom doesn't care what clothes you have on anyways. She's not one of those moms," he whispered back right before we crossed the threshold into the kitchen.

I took a deep breath in and winced, forgetting about my ribs for a split second. However, that took me out of my head for a split second and made me be rational. There was no use in being scared, I rationalized to myself. So, with that in mind, I plastered the best smile that I could muster and gritted my teeth together to greet his family. I mean, what was the worst thing that could happen? They hate me? Join the club...

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