Tired of living

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Aubry's POV-

It was two weeks later and I was standing outside the big building in my winter jacket. The rain was soaking me to the bone making me shiver, but I couldn't bring myself to open the door. This was too much like before, before my father and Sunny decided to try and get me killed. Before my life was in limbo.

I remembered the first time that I ever walked into that building. I was too young to be going to a drug lord's domain. I was too young to be begging a drug lord for the drugs that my father was addicted to. I was only twelve when I first walked through those doors.

However, that wasn't the most significant time that I had walked through those doors. The most significant day of my life was when I was fifteen. I was fifteen and tired. Tired of hurting, tired of wanting to die, tired of life, just tired. I needed help.

It was almost a year after Kelsey left. I was missing her so much. She hadn't missed me though, obviously, since she didn't even bother contacting me. She didn't care what she left me behind in. She didn't care about me.

I subconsciously rubbed the scar on the side of my neck as I thought about the past, about my sister, about the BS that I had gone through.

I sighed and decided that it was time. It was time to quit stalling and to go inside to face those men again, head on.

I walked toward the door and reached my hand out to open it, but I stopped short. I was too nervous. The last time they had come to me, the unsaid threat of if I didn't have enough was hanging in the air. Plus, I had hurt Daniel once again... I felt like I was just delivering myself to evil at that point.

I quickly pushed away those thoughts and forced myself forward. I walked through the door quickly before I could change my mind.

The tall office building and business like air about the place was a great cover. It seemed like a legit business when you first walked in. No one who didn't know would ever find out if they were simply investigating the 'front' business. However, it was where Demetri ran most of his business out of.

The receptionist called to make sure it was okay for me to go up to his office. In just a few short minutes I was on my way to the demon's lair. Well demon might have been a little too harsh of a word for Demetri. For Daniel, however, demon didn't seem harsh enough.

I couldn't bring myself to knock on the door, but suddenly the door swung open revealing Daniel. He leaned on the door frame with a condescending look. It made me want to knock it off.

"We've been expecting you," he said smirking.

I was officially regretting my decision. It was a bad idea. I groaned inwardly, was there a window that I could simply jump out of? I didn't want to be there and deal with those people... least of all Daniel.

He showed me to the room that I was looking for and stepped aside, "ladies first."

I swiftly walked past him. Although that didn't stop him from groping me as I walked by. I almost punched him, but I figured that would be counterproductive. I was simply there to get in and get out, not to start a fight.

"Ah Aubry, I'm glad you came to me this time instead of me having to go find you, like last time," Demetri said menacingly.

I smiled back as sweetly as possible and put the big envelope on the table. "One thousand." I said.

His smile widened, "good... But Aubry, you do realize that you only have five months left, right? A thousand a month won't get you anywhere but six feet under." He smiled wickedly while picking up the envelope. "You are dismissed."

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