Mother of the year -Aubry's POV (Bonus Chapter)

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Aubry's POV-

I stared at myself in the two-way mirror that was across from me. My eyes looked dead, face was pale, and body was tired. I was exhausted.

Within a few minutes, the door reopened. I immediately straightened up and sat at attention. The movements hurt my body slightly because I was still sore, but I was ready to hear my fate.

"You're good to go," Demetri said as he walked into the room and shut the door.

I froze as I stared at him. I certainly did not expect to see him there.


"You're free to go. I took care of everything, little one. You're good to go."

I still just stared.

"I must say, though... I'm pretty impressed. I certainly did not think you had it in you," he commented.

I sighed and lowered my head to the table that was in front of me. "Neither did I..."

"You're struggling," he said as he sat across from me.

"I killed a man, Demetri. I murdered him."

"You defended yourself," he answered slowly. "That explains why you decided to turn yourself in... guilt." He sighed and shook his head. "Little one, what Sunny did to you was... atrocious. Had I known that this was going to happen, I would have killed him myself before this all could have been conceived."

"What are you doing here anyway? I'm not your problem anymore," I asked with my eyebrows furrowed in.

"You are still on my list that I gave the police. Anytime one of my people on the list comes in, they call me."

"So, I'm getting away with this because I'm connected to you?" I asked incredulously.

"No, you have nothing to get away with because you did nothing wrong," he said quickly. "You're punishing yourself over a guy who has ruined everything in your whole life..." He shook his head. "That just goes to show you how absolutely pure you are. It's incredible that you are this good when you've lived the life you did."

I shrugged. "Well it's just what is right..."

"Where did you get your high sense of morals from, Aubry? Your mother died before you were too impressionable. And God knows that Frank never taught you anything..."

I shrugged again. "Let me know when you figure it out because it's annoying to have that sense of right and wrong in my head."

He looked at his hands in thought as I looked at him. The way his eyes crinkled at the side as he was in deep thought reminded me of myself. The way he bit his lips when he was contemplating made me stop and stare... I always did the same thing.

"Can I ask you something that I haven't even had a chance to even think about yet since everything that happened?"

"Anything, little one."

"A while back, when Daniel was talking to me... He said something about there being questions about my paternity."

His eyes immediately met mine.

"Are you my father, Demetri?" I asked the question soft and slow.

He swallowed as he looked me in the eyes. "I... I don't know," he finally answered. "Look I'm sure that I don't have to tell you about your mother's... indiscretions. Your mom and I had a relationship for a long while. It started a long time ago, right after Kelsey was born. Your mother entranced me, she always had. She was just a young thing back then... She married Frank so young because he got her pregnant in high school, it was what you did back then. You got married and then had your kid. No matter how unhappy, young, or trapped you were. So, they got married, and never left the bad side of town like they should have. They never even gave you or your sister a chance." He sighed and shook his head. "When she told me that she was pregnant with you, she truly didn't know who the father was. She was having an affair with me and she was married to Frank. She hated him, Aubry... but she also didn't."

"She never left?" I asked.

"No, she didn't. I even gave her an out. I told her when she found out that she was pregnant that she could come live with me. I told her to bring Kelsey too... I was fully prepared to accept her and be a family. It didn't even matter what your parentage was, mine or not, I was fully ready to accept the role of father regardless. We all knew that I had the means to protect all of us."

"So... why didn't she? I mean, you obviously loved her, and you were a much better choice."

"She told me that my job was the issue..." He shrugged.

I scoffed. "You can't be serious? It's not okay to be a drug lord, but perfectly acceptable to get high off your ass and neglect your kids?"

"I think that she was a lost and toxic woman. She never made it out of the neighborhood like you did. She didn't think that she deserved the love that I was offering her... So, she stayed with Frank."

"So, she condemned her kids to a life of that too? Mother of the year." I shook my head violently.

"Frank is the one on your birth certificate," he finally said. "She never gave me a chance to contest it or anything. So, Frank is your father, whether it is true or not is unknown."

"So that is why you couldn't kill me?"

He nodded once. "I just kept looking at you and wondering what if you truly are my daughter."

"Would you have let Daniel truly kill me then?"

He shrugged. "I don't know... I know that when I found out about him attacking you. I saw red. If he wasn't already in police custody then, I would have killed him right then. I was angry, but... I don't know if it was because he went against my orders or because it was you. But... You did screw up my business. You me lost twenty-five thousand dollars. First and foremost, I am a rational man, Aubry... I am a drug lord, I am not your father. I mean, I didn't raise you."

"So, even if I share your DNA, it doesn't matter to you? All those times you helped me, you took me in, you spotted me drugs to give Frank even when I didn't have the money to compensate at that time just so I didn't get killed... none of that matters? That doesn't count as raising me to the best of your abilities?"

He looked away from me.

"Why didn't you try to get me after my mom died? Why didn't you try to get a DNA test after she wasn't there to stop it anymore. You saw what I was going through. Didn't that hurt you?"

"More than anything... that is why I helped you the ways that I did. But I wouldn't have been able to bear it. You look just like your mother, you always have. I truly did love your mother, as much as it hurt me when she refused to be with me... I still loved her. So, when she died, a little bit of me died too. Having you around when you were a kid, would have killed off the rest of me." He shrugged. "I know that it's shitty, and you should not have had to pay for her mistakes... but that is what happened. I'm sorry, I should have fought harder for you. But it is what it is."

"So, it doesn't matter then..." I whispered. "You're not my father."

"I couldn't be your father... I wish I could have stepped up and taken you in, but I was too broken to do that."

I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. "I wanted you to be my dad... All my life I wished that I had someone like you to save me. All this time, it turns out that you might have been able to, yet you didn't."

"I'm sorry, little one... I'm truly sorry for that."


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