You know...

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Aubry's POV-

There was no other way out of it... I knew there wasn't.

I had heard enough of what the guy had done. I didn't need a play by play of that night with Briana. I already knew that I hated him. I knew what he was planning for me, and he had me all the way messed up if he thought that I was about to let him do that. I wasn't the one.

I would rather die...

I took a deep breath, knowing that it was the only chance that I was going to get... I had to get out of that situation. I hadn't come as far as I had just to have something like that mess me up.

As quickly as I could, I grabbed the knife by the blade, cutting my fingers deeply. It hurt like hell, but I managed to twist the knife out of his hand and grasped it by the handle. With my new leverage, I was able to flip us over making me the one that was leaning on him blocking his movements.

I pushed the knife deep into his neck, harder than he had done to me. "If you think that I won't kill you, guess again," I said as he thrashed around trying to move. He immediately stopped when he felt the knife dig into his neck harshly.

I smirked at him, "tell your guys to let them go!" I demanded.

He kept his mouth shut so, I pushed the knife deeper into his neck. Blood immediately seeped from the forming cut.

He did as I said.

"If you ever, and I mean ever, touch me again... I will not hesitate to kill you. Also, don't even think about Briana ever again."

As I looked at him, I let my anger get the better of me and punched him in the face. I felt a little satisfaction at the blood pouring down his face from my punch. I slowly backed away from the boy extremely unevenly.

Before I was all the way back up to Aiden, he yelled at me... "I think you still have something of mine!"

I couldn't believe his audacity in wanting his knife out. Before I thought about my actions, I marched up to him, holding my breath as I did it. I got to him and smiled sweetly to him. He let down his guard and held out his hand. Suddenly, I slammed the knife down into his palm as hard as I could, the blade went all the way through his hand.

The satisfaction that I felt at his pained screaming was carnal. I almost wanted to laugh.

"That was for my hand," I told him savagely, only to take the knife out and stab him again. "that, that was for Briana."

He was screaming loudly as I walked away, "you just made a huge mistake, little girl."

I honestly didn't care what he had to say. The static in my brain as I was walking away was too much for me. I was dizzy and tired as I walked out of that alley. I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to be able to continue on...

Turns out, not long... I wasn't able to go on very long at all. Just then, at that very moment, everything went black and I remembered nothing from then on.


I groaned loudly as I tried to struggle my way out of the darkness that was holding me down. I tried to fight my way to consciousness... but each time I tried to get out, more darkness came. It was holding me hostage.

Luckily, the pain was at a minimum in that darkness. I could feel the hurt from my back and sides, but it was very muted. I knew that the second the foggy darkness lifted, the pain would be intense...

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