Maybe I can see that bitch get knocked on her ass- Aiden's POV

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Aiden's POV-

My eyes opened and I immediately knew that I was late... way late. My alarm clock flashed seven fifteen as I threw my clothes on sloppily. That's over an hour and a half late for me!

"Get your ass up dude! We slept through morning training, so I was hoping to get to school early to use their punching bag." I yelled at the sleeping blonde guy on our couch, he didn't move a muscle. "I'm leaving in five minutes if you're not in my car by that time, walk."

As I said that he shot up from his sleeping position. "Fine, I'm up!" He yelled.

My mom walked in, not quite meeting my eyes, "keep it down you two, pawpaw is still sleeping. And since you're still here take Briana to school with you, so I only have to stop at one school today." Briana came walking in already dressed in jeans and a flowery blouse with make up on, she looked just as unhappy about me taking her as I was.

"Fine." I stated. There was no point in arguing, my mom was the one person that I could never charm. I got the rest if my stuff together and soon enough we were all on the way to school.

"I'll drop you off around front Briana." I said to my sister as we got closer to school. She rolled her eyes in response.

My sister, Briana, was about 1 year younger than me. I was a senior and she was a junior. Her and I didn't communicate in school and effectively not much outside of it either. She stays to herself with her weird little friends and I stay with my friends. It was better like that, for both of us.

We quickly arrived at the school and I dropped Briana off, she slammed the truck door as she exited.

"Why are you such a dick to her?" Brandon asked.

"It's better this way. Not very many people know we're related, and they leave her alone." I said defensively.

"It sounds like you're protecting your reputation more than her. I mean... I understand where you're coming from after everything that's happened but..." Brandon spoke quietly but trailed off with a thoughtful look on his face while I parked. "Anyway... to avoid having this argument again, let me tell you about this HOT chick last night!" He said getting out of the truck. "She had deep brown, long hair. Her bangs covered half of her face but when she tucked them behind her ear.... WOW."

I smirked at him, "so you fell in love with her hair?" I asked ushering us into the empty gym.

"No, I mean just her persona across the bar. Jace seemed extremely interested in her too, I wonder if Crystal knows that." He stated frowning a little. I laughed at that, Crystal was a psycho, she'd fuck anyone up who tried to mess with anyone who she claimed as 'hers' that included Jace.

We both changed clothes and went to the end of the gym where the bag hung. "So, did you talk to her?" I asked as I began warming up.

"No, I bought her a shot and I expected her to come and sit by me, because you know, who can resist this?" He said gesturing to himself. I laughed out loud at his comment. "But she kind of barely acknowledged me, took the shot then left." We heard the gym door slam shut as he finished his sentence and both turned to see who was there watching us, but whoever it was is gone. "Anyways I will probably never see her again, but damn she was different than the other girls who are usually there."

"Sooo not a crackhead whore?" I jested.

He laughed at my joke. "Not a crackhead whore," he confirmed.

I rolled my eyes at him as he continued talking about his little crush from the night before. This girl sounded too good to be true. Plus, he didn't even know her; she was probably some druggie slut if she was hanging out at the underground, but I wasn't going to tell Brandon that and ruin his little fantasy.

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