Now that we're friends

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Aubry's POV-

I woke up to a warmth I had never woken up to before. The hard bench wasn't the thing underneath my head like had I expected, it was warm and soft. I still hadn't opened my eyes yet, I wanted to let the warmth and softness sink in a little bit longer. I didn't want to deal with anything yet.

Suddenly, the memories of the night before flashed through my head. Abruptly, my eyes shot open. However, I was slightly blinded by the beginning of the sun's light of the day. With the sun just rising over the horizon, that meant that it was still quite early in the morning. I was surprised, that meant that I had to have gotten the most sleep that I had gotten in such a long time. I almost felt refreshed... almost.

I turned towards Aiden and took in his appearance and position. I was laid across his lap and his arm was thrown around my waist protectively. The top half of his body was laid to his right and twisted awkwardly. He didn't look comfortable at all.

His hair was messy and out of place, the thin layer of dew on his skin made him look like he was glowing, and the fact that he didn't have his jacket on made him look cold due to the chilly weather. I soon realized the weight on me and my warmth was due to his big jacket being draped across me. I quickly sat up and pulled the jacket off of me. My sudden movements must have jolted him awake because his eyes shot open and he sat up abruptly looking around for danger instinctively. I held his jacket out towards him when he finally got his bearings back from getting woken up so abruptly.

"Sorry for waking you..." I sputtered out hastily, embarrassed.

He half smiled and shook his head at me, "it's not a problem... we probably should have woken up anyways. It's almost time to go to the gym." He paused and cleared his throat, "you keep it, I'm not very cold. You need it more than I do..." He gestured at my shivering. "Just give it to me at the gym, later."

He got up and stretched as he fished his phone out of his pocket. "Dang, it's seven-fifteen already!" He sighed and glanced at me. "I've got to get going. I'll see you at the gym at eight, yeah?"

I stayed in my place and nodded my answer to him.

"Great," he then walked off leaving me to my thoughts on the bench.

I stayed on the bench for a while, thinking about the surprising turn of events the night before. I was pretty baffled, especially since he had been so against me being his friend in the first place. Perhaps he felt the same pull that I had...

After a few more minutes of thinking, I finally got up and started walking to the gym. I was still kind of dazed. It was a quiet morning in town, not too many people were on the streets. It was making me uncomfortable as I began thinking of what happened last time I was on a not so busy street. I quickened my pace accordingly and made it to the gym before everyone else, just like usual.

Tommy showed up soon and unlocked the door for to let me in. As soon as the doors were unlocked, more people began filing into the gym. I made my way back to the trainer's room to ice my ribs and wait on Aiden.

Just as I was beginning to take off Aiden's jacket, the door opened and in walked Brandon, Tommy, Aiden and a girl I recognized as Sofia. The girl was cradling her hand as if it was about to fall off. I didn't know the girl, but the way she was looking at me reminded me of Bridget. Aiden gave her a bag of ice simply and dismissed her easily.

"Shouldn't I maybe stay in here? Let my hand rest a little bit?" She whined, Aiden looked at her hand once more.

"Nah, it looks like you barely hit it. You'll be fine in a few minutes," he said motioning towards the door.

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