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Aubry's POV-

By lunchtime I was over it. I was sick and tired of school. Everything was grating on my nerves and making me angry. Every move was painful and I really just needed some sleep.

The bell that mocked me, signaling that the lunch that I didn't have was over, was the thing that had woken me up. I was sick of the small intervals of sleep that I was getting. I wanted a year and a half of sleep, not twenty minutes.

Everyone around me left the cafeteria, but I simply could not convince myself to go to my next period. I was done. I didn't want to go anymore.

My body hurt too badly to move most times and I was going to have a mental breakdown if things continued the way they were going. Both of the events from that morning made whatever was going on in my ribs way worse and my head was spinning and making me dizzy. Not even the pain pill that Aiden had given me was helping alleviate the pain.

I slowly stood up from the cafeteria table that I was still sitting at and simply just walked out of the building. I was done. I didn't want to be there anymore. I was sure that someone had asked me something or even followed me out yelling at me that it was against the rules to do that, but I paid no attention. I was done.

I let my feet walk as I tried to keep my mind as dull as possible. I didn't want to think or even breathe, in all honesty. I just wanted some rest.

I found myself back in front of the big warehouse-like building again. I guess the place just called out to me. That, or my mind knew that I would have to go there eventually, so it just took me there way too early instead.

I walked up to the big doors and got ready to lean up against them to wait, just like I had done that morning. I figured that Aiden would still be at school, and the gym hours on the door were weird... They only stayed open from three PM until nine PM. It was a strange place, but Aiden seemed to be the one running it, so the hours made sense for a high school student. I just had to wonder why a high school student was running a gym.

I carefully leaned my back up against the door so I didn't hurt my ribs more than necessary. As soon as I put almost all of my weight against the solid door, it pushed open and I fell hard backwards. I laid in the threshold of the doorway, contemplating life at that moment. Just as I thought about getting up, the big black door came back from being slammed open and hit me harshly on the side of my head.

I instantly just started crying. It wasn't that it hurt too badly. I mean, yes it hurt to fall when I was already so injured and to be bashed on the side of my head by a door, but I was mostly just crying because of the day that I was having. Honestly, I just wanted to die in that moment. Everything seemed to be stacking against me and I was done.

I didn't get up. I didn't move. I just laid there and cried, feeling sorry for myself. I was having such a bad day... such a bad life.

"We're closed," I heard a voice echo loudly making me painfully aware that someone was there.

Footsteps came closer to me, but I didn't dare move. I just thought that maybe I could act like I was dead, and whoever it was would just leave me alone. It was a stupid thought, but I truly didn't want to deal with anyone else that day. I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

The footsteps come to a halt a couple of feet away from me. The door was getting heavier on my body by the second and I wanted to whimper in pain. However, I just kept my eyes closed and body relaxed.

"Aubry?" The voice said and I automatically opened my eyes at my name. The guy standing in front of me was tall and olive skinned, he had black hair and deep brown eyes.

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