I forgot where I was

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Aubry's POV-

I woke up from a deep sleep. My mind woke up before my body, so I just laid there unmoving. Honestly, it was the deepest sleep that I had gotten in a long, long time. I was still so freaking tired though, I could have slept for another ten years if I was allowed.

I opened my eyes when my mind finally let me. The rest of my body was still unmoving though. The dimmed lights of the room made it have a very ominous vibe. My still-waking mind couldn't comprehend where I was. I was trying to piece it all together, but the only thing I kept thinking of was how unfamiliar the small room was to me.

Naturally, I did the only thing I could think of; I screamed. It hurt my ribs like hell, but I just screamed. It was my most instinctual reaction, isn't that just ridiculous?

Suddenly a rough hand, seemingly coming from nowhere, covered my mouth. It wasn't maliciously or harshly. No, it was very lightly and it didn't hinder my breathing at all. It did, however, stop my screams.

Aiden was standing over me when my eyes finally focused and I full woke up. He looked scared and touched my face with a gentleness that I had never felt before. He was dripping in sweat and his face was flushed, but he still looked attractive as ever.

I just stared back at him before I finally breathed out a long pent up breath and moved my body finally. "S-sorry I forgot where I was." I said sheepishly. "When my sleep paralysis makes a visit, I tend to get a tad bit worked up..." I tried to sit up, but the pain stopped me in my tracks. I silently cursed in my head and laid back down. Brandon took the melted ice packs off of me and I breathed a sigh of relief that the coldness was gone.

Aiden looked at me sideways and frowned at my explanation. "Well... here take this." He handed me 2 pills, "they're prescription pain killers, take one now and one before lunch. It should help alleviate some of the pain."

I nodded and quickly dry swallowed one. "Damn, you really do have a bootleg doctor in the ally that gives out free Oxys!" I joked trying to lighten the mood. Neither boy laughed.

"That is not an Oxy." Aiden grunted.

"You didn't even question what that was..." Brandon said with a frown directed at Aiden. "What if that was a cyanide pill?"

"Then I'd be dead by now." I shrugged.

Brandon looked at me with a hard stare.

"Don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to!" I defended myself from his put-off look.

"It's seven o' clock, by the way... I suggest you get ready to start walking to school." Aiden stated in a bored tone and walked away.

Brandon helped me sit up in the chair, and then quickly followed Aiden out the door. He looked pissed and like he had something to say to Aiden. I stayed the hell out of their way. If they were going to fight, I did not want to be in the middle of it.

I slowly made my way to my new locker and pulled out my makeup bag. I grabbed some new clothes and was on my way to the shower when I realized that I had no shampoo or soap. As if I hadn't embarrassed myself enough in one morning.

I slowly made my way out to where the boys were. I really didn't want to have to ask, but I also didn't want to have to stink. "Seriously?! You gave her drugs!" Brandon whisper yelled at Aiden who was completely ignoring him. "You might as well become a drug dealer at this rate! Those weren't your pills to give away. I thought we all decided, as a group, that we didn't want to use those!"

I snorted, is that what a drug dealer is to them? Someone who gives someone two small, not even the good stuff, pain pills... I almost laughed out loud at that.

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