Chapter 1

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A blonde boy with light blue eyes stares through his window, observing the few stars and moon in the inky sky. He paces back and forth, wrappers of chocolate littered on his floor. He's considering waking up Matt who is in the room next to him but decides against it since he doesn't want to bother him at this hour. Then his thoughts drift to earlier today when he encountered Near, a freakishly pale boy with white hair and colorless, baggy pajamas. Near, Mello's arch-nemesis and crush. He recalled walking into Near's room while the boy was putting together a puzzle on the floor.

"Hey Near," Mello says casually as he leans on the doorway, watching Near in the sitting area. "Hello, Mello" Near placidly replies, his dark eyes never leaving the puzzle. "Why exactly is Mello here?" Near asks before the blond can say anything else. "What cant I just stop by to say hey? Is that wrong or something?" Mello sneers, suddenly feeling stupid for coming, stupid for feeling anything towards the small albino.

"I suppose there is nothing wrong with the matter, only I find it highly unlikely you would do that in a sociable manner." Near calmly states."Well you obviously don't know me." Mello rolls his eyes, slowly getting fed up with him."I observe you during class, in the halls, at the library, in any free moment I have. Not meaning to sound like a stalker but it is all for my research." Mello stares at Near, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open,"What research exactly?"

"That I'm afraid is confidential information." Near begins to twirl strands of his hair with his right hand. "What do you mean 'confidential information' your stalking me, I at least want an explanation." Mello said, his voice tight. "I am signifying that I cannot tell you." "Whatever, freak." Mello losing all patience, grit his teeth and slammed the door. He storms back to his room, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere. The blond runs his peachy hands through his hair and sighs. That could have gone so much better. So very better if he hasn't let his ego get in the way.

What was up with him lately? Wanting to be around... Near? The only person who stood in his way of becoming the next greatest detective in the world. Near was the top candidate in Wammy's to take the title of L. What is Wammy's? It's an orphanage in England. There are loads of orphanages, but this one is special. They don't raise children to become adopted. Rodger, the man in charge of finding succerors, would scavage the streets of kids with potential and high IQ's to train them to take L's title.

Mello wanted nothing more than to be the best, to surpass everyone and become the next L. He did whatever it took, staying up till two am studying, taking notes on his competitors. He was so close, in second place. So very close. But then there was that pest, Near. The little pale boy who was never seen without his stupid stuffed rabbit or puppets or toy robots. A twelve year old albino freak stood in his way. And the most aggravating part? Near didn't even seem to be trying to be first. He loathed Near since the day he stepped inside of Wammy's, since the minute they proclaimed him to be first. Since he scored a better grade on his exam than Mello did. Deep inside his gut, a burning feeling twisted his insides, keeping Mello desiring nothing more than to see Near's downfall, craving to destroy the younger boy. But even deeper than that, in a place in his heart, he doesn't want to admit it but he likes the little guy. He likes the way he delicatle moves and breaths. How every action he takes, he has many motives. Near is like... He's like a flower.

Soft, and fluttery. Delicate yet cold. He sees the sun, though doesn't quite feel it. He consumes food, though doesn't taste it. It's like he knows he's breathing but is he alive? Or at least that's how Mello's warmer side sees him. He's curious. He knows he's curious of what truly lies underneath the mask of tranquility. Mello is dying to find out, what would it take to break Near?

But what Mello would find out, is that there is a very thin line between love and hate.

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