Chapter 4

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Monday: March, 19.

Mello awoke to something incredibly soft and cuddly in his arms, it took him a moment, groggily he realized he was holding Near in his arms! The blond blinked once, then twice. He poked the albino's cheek to make sure he was real, and sure enough, he was. Near slightly stirred at Mello's touch and breathed,"No.. Give me my toys back..."

Mello smiled and slid his arm around the tiny boys waist, efficiently pulling him closer and nuzzling his neck.


Near whispered his name and it was enough to freeze him. Slowly, he pulled back, looking at his face to see if he was awake yet.

Dark eyes stared into his blue eyes, wide with fear. A deep, red blush spread through his cheeks,"G-good morning, Near."

Then it was Near's turn to blink, once, twice,"Good morning, Mello?"

They both stared at each other, unsure of what to do until Mello shoved Near off the bed,"It was fun cuddling and shit but I think you should go."

The albino mumbled ouch and nodded,"Yes I think that's best." With that, he stood and rapidly exited out of the room, leaving the blonde by himself to think about yesterday and last night.


'That damn fluffy head has been on my mind nonstop. From the way he twirls his hair, or curls his toes, or always avoids looking me in the eyes..' Mello sighs and stares out the window, watching the clouds pass by. 'How feel to kiss him?' Mello muses imagining soft, cold lips on his. 'Or to hold him?' He closes his eyes, and sighs again. 'Or have the right to call him mine. All mine. Everyone else can screw off.' He smiled softly.

He was so distracted by his thoughts he completely forgot today was Monday and classes had already started.

"Shit!" Mello cursed as he rushed to get ready, brushing his teeth, changing into another all black outfit.

Sprinting down the halls to his first period...

Class after class, it was a bore but the blond did what it took to become the best, willing himself to stay awake, stay focused and pay attention to the lectures the instructors were giving.

Knowledge was power, so if Mello wanted to be L's successor, he would have to work hard. Harder than Near.

Loving Near...

Hating him...

It hurts to think about it. To think that his arch-nemesis, his crush, is the one thing that can both calm him down and infuriate him at the same time.  

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