Chapter 21

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"I hate him I hate him I hate him!" The blond clenched his fist into balls, shaking from frustration and began to pace around the pigsty. Because truth be told, Matt's room was a mess.

Matt sighed and sat at the foot of his bed,"Mello, you know you don't actually-"

"I swear I do." Mello exclaimed through bared teeth. Another sigh from the overly obsessed video gamer. "I think you just need some chocolate.."

"I left my last bar in fucking Near's room."

"Then go get it and come back."

"I don't want to be in the same fucking room as him."

The third sigh of the night, followed by an exasperated groan,"Just get your fucking chocolate Mello! Stop being such a wimp and go!"

The blond stopped dead in his tracks, astonished Matt had snapped at him. Him?


"Just get out, Mello. Your being a big baby. Get out and get your fucking chocolate." The red head grabbed his best friends wrist, pulled him out of the room, then using a bit of force managed to shove him out of the room. Then slammed the door behind Mello.

Matt had no idea where the sudden anger came from. Honestly he didn't. Maybe it was because Matt still loved Mello. Or he hated the fact that Mello was in love with Near and yet, he had slapped the tiny boy. Or maybe it was because it was two in the morning and he was starting to stop functioning properly. Whatever it was, he was tired. Tired of everything. Tired of feeling so helpless and lost. So fucking tired. Was the razor calling his name again?

Did he want this?

Matt picked the small, metallic object and placed it in his hand. How can such a tiny thing hold so much power? His eyes began to droop but his feelings were ravaging him.

So he did as he was expected.

He sliced his flesh, watching the blood bead up and his skin puffing. The reliving sensation wasn't there, he wanted more. Deeper. Bigger.

So Matt did as he pleased. The red liquid dripped off his finger tips and he was shaking. Amazed, he stood and watched it flow. The razor was covered in blood, his sheets stained with it. And he just stood there and watched.

There was a knock on the door. A gentle knock, so it obviously wasn't Mello. But who would be up at this hour?


Mello grumbled and trudged up the stairs. Unfazed by the dark and the shadows dancing on the passage walls. He ran a hand through his silky blond hair, then found his way to Near's door. He stood there for a moment and touched the doorknob. Should he knock?

It was too late, he already opened the door.

Dead silence and nothing to greet him but the bitter coldness in his heart. 

Where was Near? Why was there a picture of Mello on his desk?

Mello's eyes were the size of golf balls and he picked up the paper, with Near's tiny, best handwriting scribbled all over it.


If you are reading this. Your most likely wondering why I'm not in my room. Chances are, it's too late for you to stop me, but I've gone back home.

I'm going to examine the crime scene myself, then visit the cemetery.

I pushed you to your breaking point. I knew you would take the bait, and you without second thoughts did. Truth be told, my plan exceeded my expectations. So I apologize for that, but asking nicely wouldn't work and this is something I must do alone.

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