Chapter 13

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"Mom had a lot of friends, when she wasn't getting screwed she would meet up with friends or try to set me with one of her girlfriends kids, it was boring. None of them met my standards, too careless, too boastful, not enough flare, not enough imagination. None of them were any fun. But there was one girl who caught my interest. She had black hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. Her name was- ugh I can't remember. Anyways when our moms introduced us, she immediately made small talk then steered me outside. I can still remember what she said."

He chuckled,"She told me everyone was gray and boring, that she hoped I was different and up for an adventure. She told me her plan, that in three days time, she would escape into the forest at night and wanted me to tag along. What she saw in me? I had no idea. She was crazy,in a good way. Literally the most hyperactive person you've ever met, but she was also hilarious and creative. So the girl thoroughly explained her plot, deciding she would pick me up, knock on my window and we would explore. Me, being the idiot I am, eagerly accepted the invitation, thrilled to finally have something interesting happen in my life."

"There were rumors about the woods and what went on there. Murderers lived in logged cabins deep in the forest, wild animals lurked hungry and anticipating new preys, satanic cults performing their rituals. The girl was captivated by these fables and soon enough, so was I."

"This is were it really gets gruesome and confusing.  See we went along with her plan, and it almost worked. Almost." He said wistfully,"We were both ten at the time and it was scary. Like being in a horror movie scary. We heard leaves cracking in every direction, the moon was the only source of light but even that was dim. Then after what seemed like thirty minutes of stumbling in the dark, something grabbed up from behind. Large, warm hands grasped my shoulder and a voice hissed,'You stupid boy.' It was my father."

"The girls mother had tried calling my mom but she didn't answer so she called him instead, he said. Her mother was there, too, so the girl had to go with her... He dragged me home without another word. So I couldn't tell if he were disappointed or annoyed, but soon I realized. It was a Friday. It was a... Rather messy situation." He leaned back and rested his elbows on the ground,"Oh course he heard all the noises they were making and rushed to the room. Shortly after, a naked man ran out the door, panicked. Dad was screaming all this shit at mom... Things got a bit out of hand and he... Pulled out his gun. I was in my room and I heard my mom begging, desperately begging and pleading but dad didn't listen. Then I heard a bang and moms voice went silent."

"He stormed out of their room, his eyes storming. Dad approached me, growled,'You're probably not even my child.' He leveled the gun to my forehead and I waited for death. Didn't even try to resist, I mean what can a scrawny ten year old boy to a muscular adult? It didn't come.

Dad was sobbing and he dropped the gun, he... He truly did love mom. I could tell. By the way he would look at her and how he would smile whenever she smiled or did something silly. Guess the jealousy got the best of him. He grabbed my throat and chucked me out of bed. Told me to get out, leave him alone. So I did. After a few weeks of living in the streets, I was doing alright. Getting a job wherever they needed me, sleeping in the park. Like any other hobo."

He said softly,"Roger found me. He watched me outwit a salesmen, and said I had potential and took me in."

Mello's story had left Near speechless. All he could do was stare at the blond, taking in the information he was given. Mello wasn't the sort to appreciate empathy but in this case, so Near had no idea what to do or say. Without another thought, Near crawled onto Mello's lap and wrapped his scrawny arms around his neck. "I am sorry you had to go through that." Near whispered in his ear as Mello stiffened. "It's not your fault so there's not point in apologizing." He said, then brushed Near off. "We should be getting back soon anyways."

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