Chapter 17

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It was evening so most of the orphans were either eating at the cafeteria or in their rooms, taking advantage of their free time. "What do you want to eat, Near?" Mello asked as soon as they entered his room. "Nothing, I'm fine." Near stood at the door, not wanting to ruin anything, like the organized desk or the neat, made bed. "It's okay if you sit," Mello said as if reading his thoughts,"And you never eat, I'm getting you food wether you like it or not."

So the blond set the toys down on his desk and marched out of the room. The boy with pale skin sighed and twirled his hair. He clutched his side and leaned against the wall for support.. 'Mom... Dad...'

Two words stirred so much thought, so many memories, and worst of all the emotions attached to them. It was... Unbelievable. His parents were dead, his mother who while he had lived with them, gave him love and happiness, doing her hardest to protect her baby. He memorized his fathers look of disapproval from age four, but from time to time, he would catch a proud smile and crinkly eyes.

He had wanted, one day, to go back to them and apologize. To tell them that they shouldn't worry, or at least to hug his mother, tell her how much he missed her and let them know he's fine. But now, since they were gone he couldn't. Near couldn't even attend their bloody funeral, people would ask questions, and he couldn't mention Wammy's in any way, since it was a secretive place. In the worst case scenario, someone would follow him back, and realize that the orphanage and find out they were training young children to become the next World's greatest detective. The risks were too high.

Mello barged in, holding masses of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Which consisted of pizza, strawberries, chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, mini corn dogs, and coke. "Didn't know what you wanted so I got a bit of everything." Mello set the food on the floor next to Near. He hesitantly picked up a strawberry,"Thank you, Mello." Slowly he raised the fruit to his lips and bit in to its sweet flesh. The taste expanded though his mouth, giving him the feeling of wanting, craving more. What was it called again..? Oh yes, greed. But in the moment, Near didn't give two damns. He began shoveling food in his face, savoring every bite. And Mello watched him, both surprised and amused as he munched away on a chocolate bar himself.

Soon enough, the food Mello had bought was gone. The only remaining evidence was that there were a bits of crumbles on the floor and the cans of coke that were next to them. "You ate." Mello smiled. "Well, duh. What was I supposed to do? Leave the food there while I starved?" Near answered, still clearly upset.

"No, I meant like... Never mind my thoughts don't matter anyways."

Near sighed and grabbed a nearby plastic toy. It was a red robot with a silver face and arms, a light bulb sticking out of his head and cheesy eyes. He toyed around with it, staring until he felt his eyes watering again. "I- am- A- Robot-" Mello grabbed a different toy, similar to Near's only his was blue and the other was red. "I'm going to name this..." Mello started,"Marsh. His name is is Marsh."

Near gave his love a questioning look,"Seems legitimate. Mine will be named, Percy."

"Why Percy?"

"I've always been quite find of the name Percy. I could ask you why Marsh?"

"...Because if you put the words Marsh and Mello you get, marshmello!"

This drew a smile from Near's face and Mello grinned back, victorious. So the boys played with the robots, forcing them to fly around the room and fight against their sworn enemy, the lamp on Mello's dresser. Once they had finished, Near's face hurt so much from smiling and Mello was clutching his sides. The both flopped on the bed, tired from running and laughing so much. Then Near's laughter turned into sobbing and he curled up to Mello. The blond boy comfortingly held him, close and tightly. "It's going to be okay, Near." He stroked the pale boys hair lovingly,"It's going to be fine."

"H-How do you know?" Near stuttered and grasped Mello's shirt. "Because I'm going to be here for you. I'm going to stay right here and make things okay." Then Mello pulled the boy up into a sitting position and examined him, pained eyes and a puffy face, soft white hair. Even in his disheveled condition, Near was beautiful. Mello leaned into younger boys personal bubble, his lips close to pink, adorable lips. Softly, ever so gently, the blond boy kissed him. A proper kiss, no pecks on the cheek, taunts, or forehead kisses. But a proper kiss right on the lips. Near's eyes shot open and he watched Mello's face fill with bliss. He then dissolved into the kiss, not quite sure what he was doing but was somewhat copying Mello. He could taste chocolate... Chocolate...

Near was in a happy trance after they broke apart, he momentarily forgot his parents deaths, Matt's depression, his insecurities. They all faded for the moment and he was free. Light hearted and hopeful again, he was free.

Mello, on the other hand, was glowering with pride. He had finally kissed Near and made him happier than he's been in a very long time. The two cuddled, both oozing joy.

"I love you, you know." Mello whispered,"I love you so much it hurts, Nate. I love your smile, your eyes, I love when you're happy. I'd give my life to see you happy... And I will destroy anything and everything that makes you sad."

Near froze,"I-I love Mihael.."

That made the blond squeeze Near so tightly, the air in the younger boys lungs cut off. "M-Mello I can't..breath!" Near gasped and Mello reacted quickly, letting him go, and apologized. "S-Sorry, Near." Embarrassment flooded his face and he awkwardly cleared his throat.

"It's alright.. Mello."

"...I get the feeling I ruined the moment."

"You did."

Mello tried to smile and then they started cracking up. Near's laugh, it was a soft and delicate thing. Like the rise petals floating through a spring breeze. It was a luxury only Mello could afford. And he loved every second of it. From the pink on his cheeks, to the sparkle in his platinum eyes, to his adorable giggle. Everything about this tiny pale boy screamed perfection in Mello's ears.

And to Near... Mello's laugh was deep and masculine. Reassuring, and yet taunting at the same time. He had dimples, too, which Near found extremely attractive. It was an unexplainable sense of happiness, not even words nor definitions of feeling could reason. The way his blond bangs brushed his cerulean eyes made Near want to brush it to the side, the way Mello would smirk internally drew Near insane. Mello inevitably had become his addiction.

"But in a seriousness," Grave words rose from Near's throat,"I want to find the murderer and avenge my mother and father."

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