It ends here

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Months later after the event, man.

"Near," Mello stroked the white hairs on his lovers head and wrapped himself completely around Near,"why did you say were you stalking me again the other day in the common room?" 

"Oh, that wasn't stalking! And I.. I didn't tell you already?" Near played dumb but Mello wasn't buying it, he abruptly stopped playing with Near's hair and pulled away from the cuddling position completely, leaving Near exposed to the cold and stripped from the warmth Mello's body gave him. "Merooo." Near gave him the puppy dog eyes, almost sure that would pull him back into cuddling but no. Mello stayed strong and ignored it,"No physical contact until you tell me why you were stalking me."

Mello already had his own theory why, he just wanted the words to come out of Near's mouth, because they meant more coming from there than coming from his mind. Most likely it was because Near had a crush on him at the time, but it was only beginning, like the sun rising on a warm spring day, casting away the shadows and dewdrops that dawn bestows upon the world. It was fresh and curious, had it really been... Like? Or something else?  What Near felt that day, the longing to touch Mello's godly face, to talk to him and laugh and place this childish feud aside. He wanted more than anything a friend, and a lover but he never expressed it. He didn't want to since he thought he was unlovable and no one would ever want to be friends with the monotone, albino freak, right?

Near had set a unexpressive mask to keep his walls up, to keep from intruders barging in and doing him damage. He didn't want to have to run away again or hurt anyone, or heavens forbid, be a disappointment. But Mello infatuated him. The blond with his aggressive behaviour and sass, it just compelled Near to want to be with him. Sleepless nights and struggles to fit in kept Near's mind running with low self esteem. The kids at Wammy's, they honestly were all mostly good, smart and tried to be kind except that asshole Beyond. But they strayed from Near as he avoided them due to his intelligence quotient. 

Really, after developing a crush on  Mello, it turned into something more secure. It was no longer,"Do I like him," or,'"How do I know this is real?"  It became oh shit he's coming my way, do I look okay??  and strange feelings. Craving to hug him and feel this broad torso, wishing to spend those rare insomniac nights with the blonde, to stay up and talk about their dreams and hopes, to steal some kisses and cuddles till the morning. He made Near want to burst out singing and grin for no reason. To his face, he would never crack a smile or giggle or anything really, but when Near was alone and his only company was his four thin, white alls, he would hug his pillow joyfully whenever he remembered Mello noticed him, even if it was only to hit him and mock him. He knew deep in his heart, that Mello would someday be his, he just had to have him.

He had to. 

"I-I was simply examining you without your realization for my research," Near mumbled, gazing at the ceiling and twirling his hair with his index finger. "Really Near? Cut the bull shit, I thought we agreed a long time ago not to effing lie to each other and to have mutual trust. Just tell me already, trust me.." Mello crossed his arms and his last two words came out more of a whisper than a assured statement. "Okay, fine, just, just don't laugh at me." He hid his eyes with his long, fluffy white hair and pulled his knees up to his chin, wrapping his arms around his sides,"I-I wasn't sure myself, actually, when I first started observing you. I thought it was because we were rivals and if I  had better intel on what you were like, I could demolish you more easily."

"Woah, even Near has a dark side."

"Sh-Shut up," He hid a smile,"That is what I had presumed in the beginning. But then I kept on watching you and I began to realize what a peculiar specimen you truly are. How you only used your tough facade to faze people and to make them leave you alone. How you loathed anyone else's company except Matt's and wanted nothing more than to see my downfall. But how you would take the time to play soccer with the little ones and tutor them every now and then. You weren't the completely vile person that everyone knew. You were considerate, caring, and immature, but only few actually saw that. Because you hid the real Mello behind this... Thing that has temper tantrums and hopes to destroy others." By the end of Near's soliloquy, he was brimming with red on his delicate cheeks. He was then rewarded for his confession with a tackle from Mello and several pecks on the face. "See, was that really so hard?" Mello was grinning and Near couldn't get over the fact of how hot he looked with his hair in a pony tail.

"Okay, okay," Near was smiling widely as well,"I know I asked for physical contact but slobbering over my face and squeezing me to the point I can't breath isn't necessary."

"Oh, shut up, fluffy head, you know you enjoy it no matter what I do to you." The both went red and silent. Near replied,"Um, sure, to make the fangirls happy, why not." 

"Do you really think ToysandChocolatee is finally going to stop stalking us so we can finally have some peace and alone time?" Mello questioned Near, getting up to check the closet and shut the blinds, checking nearly every inch of the room and opening the door to see if anyone was out there listening. "I highly doubt it when she said she was done with her story... Unless people actually want her to continue." Mello plopped down on the bed and carcass Near's face. "Well, whatever she does, I don't really care. I want everyone to know you belong to me and me only. I adore you, Near, more than anything." With that he kissed Near, soft and quick, and I grinned underneath the bed,'Oh. This is only the beginning.' I thought, smiling to myself.

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