Chapter 15

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An empty room.

He flips the switch on and shuts the door. Observing every inch of the room, he notices its as messy as ever, and the bed is undone. The windows blinds are open, exposing the night. The moon, the stars. 'Are these the things Mello looks at when he falls asleep?' Matt wonders. He inhales the chocolate aroma and crashes on the white covers, cuddling the pillows. Before he knows it, Matt is sound asleep. With dreams he won't remember in the morning.

Mello is shaking the red head,"Matt, Matt! What the hell are you doing in my room?" The gamer groggily wakes,"Huh? Oh I.. I was uh looking for you last night. You weren't in bed and I was kinda too scared to leave so I slept here.. Hope you don't mind, Mels." Matt gave the blond a half hearted smile and rubbed his enchanting emerald eyes. "I guess I don't, just curious how you ended up here." He got up slowly,"So where were you last night huh?" Matt wiggled his eyebrows. "I- I.." The blue eyed Russian blushed furiously,"None of your business!" He hissed and turned away, marching to his closet which consisted of black only clothing. He picked out tight pants and a short sleeves shirt. "I'm going to change, Matt." He called over his shoulder. "Kay." The gamer sat as still as a stone on the bed, Mello waited a bit but he soon realized Matt wasn't leaving,"That means get your butt out the door, Mail."

"Ouch, and no need to use my real name, Mihael." Matt spat back but in a playful tone. Mello rolled his eyes and quietly let out a throaty chuckle. "I'm serious." Matt got to his feet,"Fine, fine. See ya at class." The redhead rushed out the door, to his room also getting ready for first period.

But no matter how early they got up, Mello and Matt were consistently late to class. Even if it were by a minute or two, they never made it on time. Near, on the other hand, was always early. Even if he woke up three minutes before class, he would be there before the professor began to call roll.

Since it was a lovely, cool morning. The sun was out, birds were chirping, and Mello was smirking. For once he was early to class. Earlier than Near and Matt and Linda and Justin. He was finally first to something since the first time Near arrived at Wammy's. Proffesor Norton was shocked too at Mello's arrival,"G-Good Morning, Mello." He said as he unlocked the door to the classroom. "Morning, Norton!" Mello smirked wider and they both walked into the dark room until Mr. Norton flipped the light switch on, revealing rows of desks, a skeleton, walls covered with science posters and the far left wall with three small windows, all covered with shutters. Mello takes his normal seat in the second row, next to the window. He idly sits there, pulling out his notes and reviewing what they were currently learning. Something about enzymes and catalysts, their functions and elements.

'This is so boring,' Mello groans and lays his head on his desk,'Never again..'

Minutes passed by and one by one students arrived, sitting at their desks and quietly chatting amongst themselves. Linda, a pretty white girl with long blond hair, sat behind Mello. "Morning Mello! Nice to see you this early." She smiled warmly at him and he didn't even bother to turn around to face her,"Yeah, morning, Linda."

"Hey, I've got a question got you." She got straight to her point,"So I hear you and Near have been spending more time together. Are you guys like... A couple now?"

"W-What?" He turned beet red and bitterly laughed,"You think Near and I are together? Near?" Then Mello turned around and whispered,"I'll let you in on a little secret, Linda. I felt like I could always trust you." Mello was lying straight through his teeth but he didn't care,"I'm only using Near. I'm trying to distract him, make him lose him composure so I can finally be first."

She gasped and her eyes few wide, utter shock spread through her face,"That's low, Mello. I thought you were better than that.. Really that's-that's desperate and horrible!" He was taken aback and confused, did people really think that highly of him? Maybe he shouldn't have fibbed... "I-I.." He started. "Save it, I don't care." Linda turned away."Really, it's not Near's fault he's better than you. Instead of trying to break him down, you should build yourself up." Mello continuously blinked, her words cut deep. They hit straight to his heart, too close for comfort. "Linda if only you knew the truth.." He muttered sadly. "What truth?" She suspiciously glared at him. Mello hung his head shamefully,"I think.. I think I'm in love with him.."

"I knew it!" She exclaimed,"I knew you were lying, Mello, I just wanted you to admit it!"

"Lying about what?" Matt asked while he entered the classroom. "Nothingg." Linda sang as she excitedly bounced up and down. "Sounds like something if it makes you act like that." Matt replied while taking his seat next to Mello. "Okay okay, you and Mello are like best friends so you probably already know... But Mello loves Near!" She spouted joyfully. "So I've heard," Matt grinned. Yeah, it hurt. Stung like rubbing salt in a wound but he cared more about Mello's happiness then his selfishness.

From across the room, a white curvy thirteen year old girl with auburn hair and soft, longing honey colored eyes stares at the smiling redhead, wanting nothing more than for him to notice her existence. Mello then turns and looks towards the door but instead catches her gazing at Matt. He realizes rather quickly her feelings and intentions. She notices this and looks away, blushing. Being the good best friend he is, Mello makes a mental note to get this chick's name and find out more about her, for Matt's sake of course.

Then a pale boy with white pajamas shuffled in, hugging his stuffed rabbit and droopily looking around for a place to sit. Surprise, surprise the only open desk was in front of Mello. So hesitantly, Near sat there. Mello, also being the mischievous boy he is, leans forward and attempts to seductively whisper,"Hello, little sheep." The albino cringes,"Hello, Mello."

"So... Right now we're just two RNA, but maybe we could transcribe together and become DNA." Mello's attempt at a pick up line was rewarded by a very frightened Near and choruses of laughter from Linda and Matt. "Nice one, Mels." Matt got out in between laughs. It was Near's facial expression that was hilarious, his face for once wasn't pale, or pink. It was red from ear to ear and his eyes were the size of frying pans. His mouth was tightly shut in a straight line. And for the rest of the period, he didn't say a word.

Not even when Mello relentlessly poked his back with a pen, or when Matt threw spit balls at him, or even when Guievani twirled Near's hair and got slapped by Mello.

Nothing. Just the same monotone Near as always, only this time he was silent. And Mello was hating every minute of it.

So after class, Near rapidly got up and made his way out the door. Mello caught up to him at the doorway and pulled the back of his shirt,"What gives, Near? You spend the entire class just ignoring me then you try to walk out before saying bye or anything?" He hissed in the pale boys ear. "I-I am s-sorry, Mello. I-" He stuttered and stopped, eyes shut and his small, light pink lips quivering. "H-Hey? What's wrong?" Mello was seriously confused. Why did Near look like he was about to cry? Oh shit was this his fault?

"I-I don't want to-to talk about it." Near broke away from Mello's grip and ran, ran as fast as his little legs could carry him down the hall, from eye distance.

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