Chapter 3

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For a moment, Near was close to reconsidering and declining in favor to stay in his room and play with his toys, but as if Matt already knew Near's thoughts he jogged over to the twelve year old and grasped his wrists. Lightly tugging him out of bed, the trio raced out of Wammy's.

Then after about 17 feet of running, Near collapsed, panting and out of energy. He was highly unaccustomed to any physical exertion, or exercise. In less then seconds, Mello and Matt were on their knees. The gamer began to shake poor Near, practically screaming,"Fluffy head! Dont go to the light! Dont give up on us man!" Mello rolled his eyes at his best friends stupidity,"Matt, you idiot, he isn't dying, he's just tired."

"But he fell down out of nowhere!"

"Yeah I know."

"People don't normally do that... Do they?" Matt stopped shaking Near and leaned back, deep in thought. "No they don't," Mello agreed shaking his head,"Unless they're tired or having a heart attack."

"Oh." Then Matt brightened,"I have an idea!" Mello sighed,"What is it Matt?"

"Pick him up and put him on my back so I can give him a piggy back ride, you know?" The blond did as he was told and gave the red head a strange look. "Problem solved." He said happily and the boys continued their not yet thought out adventure.The rest of the way went a little something like this, Matt talking nonstop about video games that were coming out, or how when he got a bit older he would smoke and Mello occasionally punching him and telling him to shut up. Then Near adding a smart Alec comment to get them to both be quiet and keep from arguing. There wasn't much to do, no good movies were playing and no fun people to mess with so the three wandered the streets simply hoping to find some source of entertainment. Until after a few hours, Near fell asleep on Matt's back, while the chocoholic and gamer smiled at sleepy Near who softly snored and whispered Mello's name. The blond heard this and furiously blushed as Matt began to giggle,"Sounds like your in someone's dreams, eh?"

Block after block, the boredom steadily took over. They went to Gamestop, the theaters, the park, even a bookstore for crying out loud, nothing remotely amusing. Just when they were about to give up hope, leave the coffeehouse and head home, a group of four girls that looked relatively close to the age of thirteen entered. Of the girls, one in particular caught the redheads attention. He couldn't seem to tear his gaze from the pretty brunette with large hazel eyes and lovely red lips. Taking in her perfect curves and tight, ripped jeans and a white Crown the Empire shit, her wrists enveloped with bracelets. Those piercings were pretty hot, too.

"Matt," Mello caught him staring at the girl with her bland friends sitting next to their table. "Stop staring at her, it's creepy. If your interested, man up and talk to her."

"You think I should?" He turned his attention to his best friend. "What if she's not into me?" Thoughts of insecurity exploded in Matt's mind. He began to imagine the worst case scenarios in what would happen if he approached her and attempted to start a meaningful conversation.

It could go a little like...

Matt,"Hi, you're really pretty."

Girl,"Um, thanks?"

Then he sticks out his hand for her to shake and accidentally knocks over her smoothie on her lap.

Or maybe...

Matt,"Hey girl, couldn't help but notice you across the room... Are you a pikachu? Because you're shockingly beautiful."

Girl giggles,"Ohh I love pokemon! Especially when my boyfriend gets geeky about it!" Then a six foot guy comes in and beats him shipless.

Possibly... Then Mello grabbed Matt's shoulders,"You are a gamer, my bro and one of the coolest dudes I know. You're sexy as hell so get your wimpy butt out there and show her that." Matt smiled softly and his eyes began to slightly water, Mello never had said such encouraging words... "Yeah!" He said hopefully,"You're right, Mels. Thanks man.." Then the blond noticed Matt's emerald green eyes starting to tear up,"Matt are you... Crying?"

What he had said was meant to boost his confidence but he didn't know it was enough to bring his best friend to tears. "No!" Matt said defensively, put on his goggles, took a deep breath, got up and strolled towards the clique.

"Atta boy." Mello grinned and bought out the chocolate bar from his pocket. Then halfway through the bar, he realized Near was still on Matt's back. He glanced over in their direction. The girls were cooing over Near, who had just woken up from his nap, and Matt was completely forgotten.

"Awe he's so cute!" A girl with a beanie and blue hair said.

Then another with bright yellow shoes and messed up make up asked."What's his name?"

"So adorable!"

"Aww look he's rubbing his eyes."

"So kawaii! Just wanna cuddle the living crap out of him!"

Matt tried to act self-assured but even now the girl was loosing interest in him and focusing more on Near."So you said your name was Amelia right? Could I have your numbe-" Amelia squealed,"Ohmigod he just yawned!" The females were completely enchanted with the little bundle of white and poor Matt was still desperately trying to obtain Amelia's attention.

So Mello did what any wingman would do, he took pity on Matt, sauntered over towards the group with his hands on his hips, with his attitude screaming sass. The blond gave the girls a blinding smile and pulled Near off of the redhead's back, cradling him bridal-style,"Hello, ladies, his name is my property and he is my boyfriend."

They all stared at him astonished, especially Matt and Near's cheeks began to fill with a light pink. Half of the girls groaned with disappointment but Amelia and whispered,"I ship it..."

"Did you say something?" Matt asked her. "N-no? So.. You wanted my number?"She gave him a sly smile. Matt returned her smile with a goofy grin,"Yeah." She pulled out a black pen, lightly touched his hand, and scribbled her number on his smooth skin. It wasn't anything major, but the physical contact was enough to send chills down his spine. After that, they bid their farewells and promises to meet up soon, one girl had the courage to pat Near's head and said,"One night with me and I could turn you straight." Though no one else noticed it, but Matt could see the fury in his blue eyes and how he was doing everything in his power to not put a bullet through the girls face.

Finally heading home, they were silent. Until Matt spoke up, smirking wildly,"Well that was interesting." Mello punched his shoulder,"Shut up, Matt."

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