Life in Korea

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Zhen's pov

This is it I already know how to speak Korean. I studied and studied. I'm still little bit rusty though.

Now I'm going to live here. Make him regret he left me but all I just want is to have my older brother back. I just want him back but I still want him to regret though.

Fast forward

Omo even here ah those voice. I start dragging my suitcase.  I love my fans but it's kind of annoying sometimes but guess what I will never get tired.

"Zhen look at me" one of the girl said , so I look at her and smile then she took a photo of me.

"She is so cool" she said. As I'm walking

"Yoona! Omo what's up" I said hug Yoona and fist bump.

" so let's go" she said we enter her car. Yoona is my bestfriend. Well it's very weird how we met.

"So Yoona you are willing to help me right?" I ask.

"Of course du! What are best friends for!" she said. Yoona is my bestfriend\Sister.  She is Korean but she is expert in Chinese but now we talk in Korean.

"You pabo I miss you" she said.

"As usual overreacting." I said. We suddenly look at each other and burst into laughter.


Yoona's Apartment

"Wow ts ts" I said.

"Do you perhaps like it" she said.

"Cool" I said. Modern design.

"This is your room" she said she opens the door.

"Cool" I compliment.

"Go go" she said while pushing me with my suitcase.

The next day

Kring kring

"You stupid alarm clock shut up" I said and then kicked the alarm clock.

"Omo" I stand then ran to the bathroom. I forgot that I'm going to school. I take a bath.

"Aishhhh why Korean likes to wear this kind of clothes" I said the skirt is so short.  I have no choice but to wear it.
I brush my hair, brush my teeth then I wear my shoes. I walk like a zombie dragging my bag.

"Morning" Yoona said.

"Morning why do you guys like to wear this kind of clothes?" I ask.

She just Laughed.

"I don't know" She said.

"Come on you are going to be late"she said.


"Remember I will fetch you later ok" she and I just nodded

I enter the school Dream Korea huh? As I walk into the hallway people start looking at me. Why the wouldn't look at me I transferred in middle of the term. Everyone got friends and here I'am pff loner. I walk directly to the principal office. I open the door. I plaster a big smile on my face.

"Good morning principal" I said.

"Good morning so you are the new student take a sit" he said then I sat on the chair near to his table.

"What is your name?" He ask.

"Huang Kong Zhen" I said.

"You are the twin sister of Tao" How did he know. Maybe because of my records. The China directly submitted them.

My Twin  brother is an Exo member!? [UNDER MAJOR EDITING PROCESS]Where stories live. Discover now