The truth

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  IU is watching television alone.
But she is not concentrating in the movie. Their is something bothering her.

'How did I do those things? ' she thought.

'I can jump out the window, climb the gates, and the last thing is I can go to the places I don't even know' she said again.

She feel her eyes are heavy. She decided to lay down and take a nap.

    She was dreaming about her. She is facing in the mirror. Suddenly a figure appear it is the real Zhen.

"Who are you?" She ask. The girl did not answer.

She observe Zhen.

Zhen is wearing the last thing that she wear before the accident. Her world start to become blurry.

She slowly oppen her eyes.

"Hey.  I'm so worried about you. It's already morning" it was L. She slowly sat down.

"You should wake me up" IU said.

"I thought you were very tired so I just let you sleep" L said. She look at to the clock.

"Omy god it is already 6:00. We are going to be late to school. Why did you wake me up earlier" she said then rush to the bathroom.

Preparing her self. When she finished she get her backpack then rush down to the stairs.

"Hey hey slow down" Dongwoo said.

"It's already 6:30" I said.

"Yes I know. L is waiting for you. You should eat" Dongwoo said then ruffles IU's hair.

"Ya! I just comb my hair" IU said. Dongwoo jusg walk away while laughing.

"Mr. Dinosaur" IU mumble.

    I run towards the table and sat beside my cute mate.

"Hey" I said. He didn't answer he just continue eating. I look at the calendar. The Valentines day is yesterday! Shit I didn't greet him yet.

"Ya I'm sorry" I said.
He stand up then leave me alone.

"Aissshhhh IU" O said.

I stand up then leave.

"I have no car" I said.

   They all left. Ts

I walk through the gates then. I oppen it.
Then a car stop right in front of me. Then the window slowly roll down.

Is he the Luhan guy.

"Hey" he said.

"What are you doing here?" I ask coldly.

"You can join me in the ride"he said.


"I'm not a bad guy.. I'm not like my other friends." He said then smile. I enter his car.
He start to drive.

"I'm so sorry what happened last time" he said.

"I thought you and you friends going to school together. " I said.

"My group is going to disband" he said. Suddenly I feel something in my heart.

"Why?" I ask looking at him.

       Is this all my fault.

"You really wanna here the story?" He ask.

"Yes" I answer he start to tell me everything

"It started when Zhen came in my life. She change everything. The dorm became more colorful. Zhen always scolding Tao and spoiling Sehun." As he telling me the story he was smiling the painful smile.

             Suddenly its like I can see what happened. I'm Zhen. I remember everything. I let him tell all of what happened.

"She always scolding the members for being over protective. She always scolding Tao because Tao hates L even they are just friends. When Zhen confined in the hospital Tao was so worried and all of the members rushed. Then Sehun escape from the dorm just to play with Zhen.  Then Kris Fiance came to the picture she ruined everything she hurt Zhen. Until Zhen decide to run away. While Zhen is still not here. Tao always picking fight with Kris. Sehun was very affected. Sehun feel so sad causing him to stay in their home for one month."
     he said a hot liquid escape from my eyes. Now I remember everything.

         I don't want  them to disband. I don't wanted to hurt them. And Sehun. This is all my fault.

"Luhannie" I said. Then he stop the car.

"How did you know that Zhen she is the only one calling me that." He said.

"Oppa" I said then hug him. I miss him so much.

      Why did L lie to me why? I thought he is my friend but he took advantage.

"I remember you now. I remember everything." I said.

"I'm so sorry for making you all worried. I'm so sorry. If I did not run away. If I just ignore Cindy. I'm so sorry" I said. He hug me.

"I knew it. Your not IU" he said.

      Luhan start the engine. And drive back to the dorm. They both enter the old room of Zhen.

"Ji Eun! Come out their"

"L" she said she is still crying.

L oppen the door.

"Why?  Myungsoo why?  I thought we are friends. " I said.

    I trusted him but what he did.

"IU" L said.

"I'm not her! Don't call me IU. I'm Zhen! "

"Ji Eun"

"I said stop! I'm not her" I said.

"Let's go home" he said dragging me. I remove his hands.

I'm not going home with him.

"I'm not going with you" I said.

"You are so blind with your love to IU. You did this to me because you can see her to me" I said.

"You ruined everything. Their is no reason that I'm going to stay with you. You broke the trust. I'm starting to fall for you but when I know the Truth all of the feelings I felt for you was gone every pieces of it."

"Ji Eun so--"

"I said stop it! Leave now! I don't want to believe you anymore!" I said start pushing him.

"Go away! Leave me alone! I don't want to believe what ever you will say!" I said. Then close the door. I sat down start crying.

"Ji Eun! Oppen the door! Please" I cover my ears.

"Let's go to your room" Luhan said and help me to stand up.

"He ruined everything" I said.


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