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Zhen's pov

Sehun always visit me in the hospital. He keep escaping from the dorm just to visit me.

Finally I can go out now but Tao did not talk to me. He did not visit me his friends said that he has important things to do. Damn it.

"Noona lets drink bubble tea" Sehun said.

"Pabo Sehun she can't drink that" Suho said.

"Zhen-ahh lets eat Baozi" Xiumin said.

"You guys shut up by the way uhm Zhen you heard the doctor said ok don't pressure your self and you can go back to school tomorrow" Suho said.

"Yeah your right aisshhh I need to catch up" I said.

"Well Kaja" I said. Then walking ahead from them.

"Ya Zhen-sii! Wait for us"

"Pali you guys walk very slow"

"She's really ok...the Demon"

"I hear that"


Tao's pov

From: Kidnapper

I heard that your sister is going home already. I wish she will recover FASTER.

Suddenly the light turns off.

"You guys stop that its not funny!" I shout.

From: Kidnapper

Don't worry I will not kill you

"It's you again stop following me! Just let me live with my sister! STOP NOW!"

"Tao? What's going on with you? Gwenchana?" Its Zhen.

Zhen's pov

"Just let me live with my sister! STOP NOW!" I oppen door.

"Tao? What's going on with you? Gwenchana?" I ask.

"Hyung what happened?" Tao just hug me.

"Don't go ok. Just don't. I will not forgive my self if something bad happened to you" he said in Chinese.

"Damn Tao I don't want to cry"

"Just don't I don't want you to leave me like what Zai shin did"


Tada short update.

Well I decide to to make them three. I hope you guys like it

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