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Falling in love to someone that doesn't love you back is hard. She promise me that she will marry me someday. I now that I'm still a child when she promise it to me.

It is all happening again. The past life that I have. When I'm still in China. They are hunting me again.

"One more soju" I said.

"You drick so much sir" The girl said.

"Who cares! Give me more!"

"But--" I slam the bottle in the table cousing it to shatter and blood started to flow. I stand up from my chair and walk away.

"Why can't I be happy" I said.

I sat down in the bench. The pain that I feel in my heart is more than that I feel in my wounds in the hand. Then I just walk like my own maybe the Alcohol is taking my senses.

I can see in the far away the dorm. The dorm where Zhen is staying in. I stand up in front of the gate. It's already happened in my past.

When my father and her father fought because of the contact. They force me to stay away to Zhen until her family move to other place in China. Everyday I visit that place. Everyday. Until someone transfer their. And my family moved in Korea. I don't even know why she can't remember me anymore.

Someone suddenly open the door. It was her. She look me like I'm a monster. Monster that destroy her life. A monster that she want to kill.

I walk away the blood was still flowing down. I walk towards the cemetery. I sat in the grass beside my grandmother's grave.

"W-why people around me think that I'm a monster. Grandma! Why!.. Did I really turn to a monster like my dad. Why? It's better to leave this world I-I can't take It anymore."

"Don't you dare to! Because if you do that I will never forgive you.!" Her voice.

"Ya! Myungsoo! Why are you making this all hard for me!" She said. While crying. She rip her sleeve and tie it to my bleeding hand.

"I know you destroyed my life! But if someone die because of me! I will never forgive my self either!"she shout.

Then stand up.

"Stupid! You thought that I already forget you! I never talk to you Because I don't want others find out!" She shout.

She walk away.

"Why can't you just love me?" I ask.

"It is not easy like what you think! I'm not like the other girls L! You know that!" She shout back. I grab her hands. But she slap it away. It's like the one second freeze. The time freeze.

"Don't touch me!"she said.

"You know how I despise people who lies at me!" She said.

Then run away climbing the gates.

'It's not easy like what you think'

"It's not easy too like what you think Zhen. I'm never giving up on you"

Tada I'm back sorry for the short update.

My Twin  brother is an Exo member!? [UNDER MAJOR EDITING PROCESS]Where stories live. Discover now