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Zhen's pov

I keep practicing my moves.

"Ahhh!" Not this time again. My back hurts. I sat down.

"You look very tired."

"What are you doing here Kris?" I ask. He just smile.

"I want to practice but your here" he said.

"Yeah ok just practice now I will just go back to my room" I said.

"Are you sure? Do you what me to help you stand?"

"I'm ok" I said. I left the room.

I decided to stay at the back of the school building. I sat down to the bench and close my eyes. When I oppen my eyes.

"Shit" My vision become blurry. I can feel my head hurts so much. I slowly touch it. BLOOD.

"That what you got stay away from my Oppa!" That girl again. I can't see her face because I can't see properly.

"You shit you such a slut! Even though you are popular I don't care." Then she walk away.

"Ya! Back off brats what are you doing to Zhen!"

"Shit her fans" the girl said then ran away.

"Zhen are you ok"

"Omo her head"

Kris pov

What the. Why did I say I'm going to practice. Ts. I left the room..

"Oh shit what happened to her?! " I can hear screaming from the hallway.

"Is that Zhen" I said. Her fans helping her to walk her head is bleeding. I start raning to their direction.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The sasaengs attack her" one of the girl. I carry her.

"Zhen." I have no choice I brought her to the clinic.

"What happened?" The nurse ask.

"I don't know I just found her in the hallway with her fans who is helping her" I said I laid her in the bed.

"Mr.Kris just stay outside" then I oppen the door then get out. I heard loud footsteps.

"Hyung what happened" Chanyeol ask.

"I don't know. I just found her in the hallway with her fans who is helping her"

"Shit not this time again" Tao said he said. Then the nurse oppen the door.

"We have to bring her to the hospital" the nurse said.

Tao's pov

The kidnapper but he did not txt me. Darn it.

"Hey Tao calm down she's a strong girl right so stop worrying." Kris said.

I sat down beside him.

3 hours later...

My phone suddenly beep.

From: Kidnapper

Did you like my surprise. Don't worry she will not DIE.

TO: Kidnapper

    I will never forgive you!

"Hey Tao are you ok? Who message you?"

"I'm ok Hyung it's just nothing" I said. We hear the door open.

"Mr.Tao she's ok. For now you have to go home. You guys can see her tomorrow."

"Good...thing she is ok" This is uhh. I'm going to stop that kidnapper.


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