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Guys play the video.
I decide to make a trailer.

L's pov

I'm currently sitting in the chair beside the hospital bed. My arms are broken. I have bandage in my head. I'm currently watching the girl that I love so much in the bed. It's couple of days since I save her.


Zhen was crossing the street she didn't see that a truck was coming she just crying. L immediately rescue he ran and pull Zhen both of them land in the ground. Zhen hit in the in the post. L managed to wake up. No one was passing by that time. He bring her to the nearest hospital.

Luckily no one see what happened. I can keep her. I already know what happened. Every thing. Their is no use returning her in Tao's place.

"Hmmm" she's awake. She slowly open her eyes.

"W-who a-are you?" She don't remember me.

"It's me L" I said.

"I don't remember everything" Zhen said.

I get the mirror.

"What happened to me!?" Zhen said.

"We are supposed to be going to our house when we both bumped by a truck. I'm L your boyfriend" I said. I will not tell her terrible and tragic past. I will change her life.

"Your name is Lee ji Eun"

After 1 month later

(Guys I'll just use Ji Eun's pov instead of Zhen's pov ok)

Ji Eun's pov

"Is this really me" I said.

"Yes you are very beautiful" L said.

"Thank you L thank you" I said. Tears escape from my eyes.

"It's ok" He said then hug me.

After 5 days

"This is your room." He said then he oppen the door for me.

"Wow.. pink" I said.

I look around. It has poster of them.
It is very cute.

"And baby don't forget we are going to school" L said.

"Ne baby what is the name of school again?" I ask.

"It's Kirin" He said.

"Yeah Kirin" I said.

"You have to rest baby" he said.

"Ok" he kiss my forehead. Then he close the door.

"Wow I wonder what happened to me in the past." I said.

I go to the bathroom then. Take a shower. After that I change my clothes.

"Maam dinner is ready"

"Yes I'm coming" I said. I start walking. The maid assist me.

"Here we are" she oppen the door for me.

"Come let's eat" L said.

"Why their is so many plates?" I ask.

"Oh I forgot my friends are living here too" he said.

"Why?" I ask.

"Uh your memories are not yet coming back." He said. The door suddenly open.

"Wow she's already here. Guys" a boy said.

"Hello Oppa" I said.

"You call me oppa that's new" he said.

"Ya! I'm still the old Ji Eun" I said. The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing Let's just eat guys." L said.

After eating

I walk around the mansion. This place isn't familiar to me. Do I have a brother. I wish I have a twin brother? A brother who
Will love me? Aishhh!

"What the hell I was thinking." I said. J headed back to my room.

The next day

"Ya! Baby wake up"

"I want to sleep" I said.

"Come on wake up or else I'm going to kiss you" I oppen my eyes.
"Good morning" I said then kiss him in the forehead. I got up from the bed then headed to the Cr. I did my morning routine then. I got out from my room.


"Is that IU omo she's very beautiful" one of the girls said.

"IU! She's back!"



She can't hear anything but just her name. She didn't expect that in entering in the school she will great by those people who are loving her, supporting her, and giving happiness.


Hope you guys like this chap thanks for the votes.
Sorry for the wrong grammar.

The next chap is about what happened to IU..

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