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Zhen's pov

"Jagiya can you buy me an Ice cream please?" I ask Kris.

I'm 2 months pregnant and I'm craving Ice cream always.

"Huh it's already 9:00p.m and you want to eat Ice cream." He said.

I badly want to eat Ice cream.

"Please Jagiya." I said.

I really want to eat Ice cream so much.

"Ok let's buy Ice cream."he said.

"But you have to pay." He said.

"What kind of payment?" I ask him.

"You have to kiss me 5 times." He said. I don't have a choice but to kiss him on the lips 5 times.

"Kaja." He assist me. I always say that I can manage my self but he insists to help me. He said that he don't want to lose me and my baby.

After 5 months.

"Your baby is Twins!" The doctor said as she was looking at the monitor.

"A boy and a girl." The doctor say. Zhen and Kris where both excited for the babies.

"Maybe it because of Tao and me. The genes." Zhen said.

"Oh so you have a twin brother." The doctor said.

"Ne" Zhen said.

"Your lucky! I'm also fan of exo. And also you Zhen I have many poster of you." She said. They share laughter with each other.

After 1 month


Zhen flinch when she heard big voice. She held her tummy.
It was really big.

"Ya! Guys! Zhen was shock!" Kris scolded them. Everyone of them say sorry to their Hyung.

"Zhen-ah I brought some toys for you!I mean for the babies!" Chanyeol said. Bringing ten paper bags.

"What!? You buy all of that Chanyeol!" Zhen said in shock.

"Ne! 5 for the girl 5 for the boy!" He chear.

"Thank you!" Zhen said.

Then Baekhyun push away Chanyeol.

"Zhen-aaahhh look at this I bought Clothes for the babies." He said and put the paper bags to the table. Before Zhen can say Thank you Chanyeol Drag him away.

"Zhen look at that." Suho said pointing in the other side of the sala.

"Wow a crib! Thank you Suho!" Zhen said looking at the big crib.

"Zhen-sssiii this is my gift!" Luhan and Sehun said in unison. A two big teddy. The other one is blue and the other one is pink.

"Wow I will put it in the play room of babies." Zhen said looking at the two teddies.

"Zhen Kris Lay and I decide to buy this. I hope it can help." Lay and Xiumin give a music box.

"Thank you!" The couple said.

"Kai and me decided to buy this for the babies. I hope they will grow smart. And Zhen I bought recipe book for the babies." Kai and D.O buy books for the babies.

"Gumawo!" Zhen said.

The other members give gift for the babies. Tao has the most special gift.

"Zhen this is the most important gift. Keep this and give this to them if they already turn 18." He said. He give 2 pairs of strong metal. It has design. Another one is a Katana made in wood. It has design on its handle.

"Is this farther's---"

"Yeah your son going to keep this Katana. They have to use this if they need. Our ancestors use this things for self defence." He said. Zhen hug Tao.

After 29 days.

"Ya! Kris pally!" Zhen cry while sitting in the sofa while Kris getting the things they need and put it to the car.

"Yaaaa! Wu Yi Fan!" Zhen shout. She feel that her cervix will open any time.

"Coming!" He said and carry Zhen.

"Ya slowly!" She said. They enter the car. Kris drive fast but carefull. They arrive at the Hospital. Kris put her to the stretcher.

Tears escape from Zhen's eyes.

"Your weak." A girl suddenly said then she remember it is from her old school who like to sabotage her life.

"Ya!" Kris shout but Zhen stop her.
Zhen pull her hair. Zhen suddenly feel a pain.


"Pull harder!" The doctor said.

"In what!" She shout.

"In her hair.!" The doctor push the stretcher. The girl stumbled to the ground. Causing her hair become mess.

They enter the room. Then she gave birth to the twins.

"What name do you like?" Kris ask.

"I will name her Akisha Hanna." She said looking to the beautiful baby girl.

"Aher Ken." Kris said looking to the boy.

I like those name so much.

Especially Ken.

My Twin  brother is an Exo member!? [UNDER MAJOR EDITING PROCESS]Where stories live. Discover now