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IU's pov

"Hey! IU remember the plan ok" Hye Mi said. And ran away.

"That girl is really unpredictable" Jason said.

"Yeah your right" I said.

"Come on let's go we have to attend the voice lesson" he said.

Jason and IU attend the singing lesson. That's the reason why L change Zhen to IU. Because they are exactly the same voice, the way Zhen dance. L know that its not right but she loves IU so much and also Zhen.

This is what happened in the past.

L and IU are getting married that day. They both are very happy that day and excited. IU was still riding in her bridalcar while the car is passing in bridge. A track accidentally loose its control and bump IU's car. The car fall in to the bridge directly to the water. No one knows what happened to IU to the real IU. Her fans think IU is still U.S. A. And they thought that L and IU broke up. Until Zhen came to their life.

Back to the reality

Author's pov

While IU and Jason are walking. They meet the Exo with Cindy. IU just stared at them. She thinks that they are gangsters. They look scary. Kris step forward. And look at IU.

"Your IU right" he said.

"Yes what do you need?" She ask.

"Come to me" he said then he hold IU's arms.

"Ya! What do you think your doing!?" Jason said.

He punch Kris. Kris punch him too.

"No Jason!" IU said.

"Fallow me if you don't want see him in hurt" Kris said.

"No! IU! Don't I'm fine" Jason said getting up from the floor.

"Jason please I'll be fine" She said.

Kris drag IU. IU can hear Jason shouting. Kris just continue dragging IU.

"What are you going to do?" IU ask him.

"Just shut up" Kris said.

IU's pov

Why I feel like I'm not afraid? Like I already new him. Why? Why my heart pumping like crazy like I fall ---- No it can't be. I love L. The way he holds my hands. The way he stare at me. Is this the center of the school.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"Just wait" he said. Coldly


The bell ring it means end of class.

"Is that Kris of Exo" the girls said. I look up aĺl of the students are gathering in the corner. I can see Cindy in the other side.

It's like those movies that I watched.

"Let her go" The voice echo in the hallway. Aĺl heads turn to them. I can see Infinite walking towards the Center of the crowd.

"Can't you here me I said let her go" L said.

"You hear him" I said.

"If I don't want to" he said.

"Luhan hold her" he said. Someone grab my hands.

"Follow me" he said. Then Luhan drag me.

As if this place is like a hideout. This is the school basement. It's quite big.

"Is this your new girlfriend" Kris ask.

"Where is Zhen hu! Where did you bring her!? " Kris ask angrily. Who is Zhen?

L look shock.

"I don't know what you're talking about? I don't know where she is" L said.

"Your such a liar!" Tao said. Then he punch L.

"No L! Please don't hurt L!" I said.

"Ya! --"

"Stop let me" L said. Tao hold to L's collar and force L to stand up.

"I already watch the video! I see what happened that you save her." Tao said. Softly.

"I don't know ok!" He said.

"Ts! Get back Tao" Kris said.

"What are you really hiding from us? The news said IU was in comatose in America. I wonder how she managed to wake up. Or she is the real Zhen." Kris said and he turn his eyes to me.

"What are you saying?" I said.

"L what is he saying?" I ask.

"Don't listen to them... IU... just listen to me. Ok" he said.

"Once I find out the you are hiding Zhen. I will make sure you will pay all of this." Tao said.

They all exit the room.

"You ok" I said. Kneeling down. I started to Cry.

"I'm ok don't worry so much it will affect your health." He said.

"We have to go home--"

"Pil suk-ssii!" It's Hye Mi.

"Hye Mi Jason where is he?" I ask worriedly.

"I'm here" I look at jason. Walking slowly.

"Let's go home" I said helping him to stand up.

I don't know why but I feel confused. I don't know who are they. Maybe they are part of my past. Why? Who are they in my past? And Who is Zhen?

I really want to know them more.

Tada I'm sorry if I did not update. My schedule is so busy.

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