First encounter with Sasaeng

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Zhen's pov

"Yoona! Bye bye I'm going to live with Tao in his dorm" I said.

"Awwww! I will miss you" She said.

I enter his car.

"Hey Are you ready to meet my friends?" He ask.

"No" I said.

"You stupid" I chuckle.


"Hi Zhen.. Tao she looks like the girl version of-----"

"Shut up Chanyeol!" He shout.

Tao's pov

Before Zhen's transfer here I already talk to Suho and Kris Hyung about my work as an Idol.

"Zhen go to your room" I said.

"But where?" She ask.

"Lay" I said then Lay escort her to her room.


Why I can't be good brother to her even though I'm younger than her.

"Hey Tao wanna fight me" she said


"Ok" I answer she really look like I don't know.

"God help me to defeat her" I mumbled.

Exo's backyard
Zhen's pov

"Go Zhen!" Awww Chanyeol is so cute hahahaha.

*Ting* *Ting*

"Noonan are you sure--" I ran around the kick him then he land to the ground. Then he use his tricks he satart punching me but I use the wall.

(In the wolf when Luhan use the wall haha just imagine Zhen is like Luhan)

"Ohhhhhhh" the boys.

Then he start punching me.
"Ahhhhhh!" He kick my foot then I land to the ground. Then I stand. I hold his arms then we land to the ground I start to hold his arms then stretch it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Stop! Zhen!" Then I stop I just stand.

"You really want me to die" he said.

"Cool!" The boys said then watch Tao standing.

"Awwww" he said.

"Do you want me to bring you to the hospital" I said.

"No I'm ok" he said.

"Hahahaha Tao panda you are l-----ahhh no no" Chanyeol hahaha.


"Hey guys" I greet them all but Kris he really look scary

I sit next to Chanyeol.

"Hey Chanyeol"

He just smile like a stupid guy. Sometimes he look stupid but I admit that he is very tall and handsome. I look to the floor. Then a spider.

"Omo get that stupid, Fucking Spider!" I shout.


"Just get it now or else I will Kill you all!" I shout while covering my eyes.

"Hey Kai stop that" Tao O ran and hide to his back.

"Ok" he said.

I then glance to Kris he is giving me a look that he will kill me. I then just sit beside of Chanyeol.

"Hey uhm Chanyeol Kris look scary" I whisper.

"Ya but just ignore him" he said. I just start eating my lunch.

After I finish eating.

"Hey Zhen can you buy ice cream please" Sehun ask me.

"Yeah sure" I said he give me the money then I start walking.

Ice cream parlor

"Cookies and cream or Chocolate" aishhh I just going to by this 2. Then I headed to the counter then the lady puick it and rap with news paper then she put it in a plastic. Then I pay it.

"Aishhhhh I didn't bring my jacket"I said. Someone just drag I fight back but he is very strong.

"Let me go!" I start shouting then a bunch of girls push me.



"You don't know me.. You guys don't know who I am." I said with smirk. I climb the wall. Then start raning back to the dorm.

"Hey why did you take so long?" Sehun ask.

"The girls. They black my way so I decided to climb the walls."

"Oh I see lets eat this" I said.

"Hey Zhen you are going back to school ok" Tao said ok.


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