Mysterious Killer

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Zhen's pov

I'm currently with Luhan well I don't want Tao to know that I'm Zhen. I will visit Sehunnie first. I know he need me in his side.

"Luhan how did Sehun got that kind of sickness?" I ask.

"Let's just ask her mother later" He said.

"Is her mother is some kind of--"

"High class" Luhan said.

. "Yes.. Mrs. Oh is some kind of strict. She want everything perfect. Actually she is the CEO of one of the biggest company in Korea." he said.

while Luhan is driving. I'm thinking some plans how I will tell Tao the truth.
Until I feel like I'm going to sleep so I did.

I suddenly oppen my eyes when I feel someone shaking me.

"Hey wake up" Luhan said but I did not open my eyes.

"Ya! Wake up" he said.

"Hey Zhen wake up!" He said in Chinese.

"Fine" I said

I oppen my eyes and climb down from the car. My eyes are still puffy red because of crying.

"Do I look horrible?" I ask.

"Not really" he said.

"Come on" he said.

Wow their are so many cctv here.
But it is weird because some of it are off. WEIRD. Maybe someone is behind of this. I should be more careful.

"Ya! Luhan" I call Luhan.

"Ne?" He said.

"Did you can see them?" I ask.

"Someone is following us and their manny cctvs are not moving" I said.

"How did you know?" He ask.

"Look at them carefully" I said.

"We should be careful" I said.

Maybe the kidnappers are behind it. How did they know me. How did they know that I'm going to Sehun's house.

"Your right" he said.

"I need to talk to her mother" I said.

"We have to warn them" I said.

Why I can't just leave with out problems?
I'm so sick staying alive that my friends suffer because of me. Ts.

"Good morning sir Lu.. Madam Oh is waiting for you in the library." The maid said. I fallow Luhan. They are many pictures. Wait is this me and Tao.

"How did I have picture here?" I said.

"Jinja?" Luhan said and take a look.

"Ne this is me when I still a child" I said.

"It's Sehun in my side my mom and my dad that means I already meet him when I still a child" I said.

"Jinja!? That's cool" he said.

"Let's go Mrs. Oh is waiting." He said.

We walk faster with him until I can see a door. Color Gold and some painted white flowers.

"This way" he said. And oppen the door.

I feel like I have done this before maybe in one of my movies. I can see books arrange carefully in the book shelves a long table. A beautiful woman like my mother.

"Good morning Mrs.Oh." Luhan said.

"Good morning Luhan take a sit" she said.

"Is this IU right?-"

"Actually Mrs. Oh I'm Zhen" I said. In low voice.

"That is impossible" she said. I know it's not easy to explain

"I can prove it" I said in determine voice.

"Then prove it that you are Zhen" she said.
"I remember you with my mother. You are one of her friends in Kirin High. Actually you have my picture that me and my twin brother Tao." I give one of example that I remebern

"You don't even look like Ztao" she said. Look at me from head to toes

"It's a long story" I said.

"Actually Mrs. Oh she was suffering many problems because of Myungsoo. She was bumped by a truck causing her memories disappear and Myungsoo took advantage he changes Zhen's appearance." Luhan explain.

"I'm so sorry for that dear" Mrs. Oh said.

"Mrs. Oh I have serous thing that I will tell to you. It's about this mansion."

"Say it" she said. I take a deep breath.

"I've been fallowed by those Kidnappers. I compile all clues that I have and I think the head of this kidnapper is one of CEO of one company."I said.

"And I think it is one of your friends. I'm here to warn you and Sehun. They are here in your house. They know that I'm here." I explain to her.

"Are they going to kill me?" Mrs. Oh ask.

"Yes We have to escape this place as soon as possible." I said. Feeling nervous.

"Here's the plan.. Send a helicopter your going to enter first with your family and also you Luhan." I said looking at Luhan.

"No I'm not going with out you----" he said.

"Luhan promise me to protect them. no matter what? Ok? Just go I will make sure I can escape." I said.
{Skip the plan}
All of the people in the mansion was gone.
After 2 hours.
Mrs. Oh pack the important things. She give me 2 gun with a Knife. I'm wearing a black shirt no sleeves a leather jacket, I'm using a grooves. I use stretchable pants and boots. My jacket is little heavy because of the gun and some bullets I tied the knife in my legs.

Then I hear the helicopter. I'm currently in the rooftop.

The helicopter is rising up. The kidnappers are their.

"Yaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" I shout. I shoot one of them. They turn around.

I duck down then kick one of the guy. Shit their so many. I start punching them. Some of them fell down in the building. I'm out of Bullets. I throw the gun to the guy. Bullseye hahaha headshot I mean.
I pull one of the gun aiming it one last man but he is doing it to D.O.

"D.O why are you here!?" I ask in shock.

"I was in the entrance of the house then he just drag me" he said.

"Ya! Set him free!" I said.

"Drop your gun!" He shout at me.

"No! Don't do it! Zhen!" I see he realized it.

I raise my hands I slowly bending my body. Then drop my gun. I stay in my position. I'm only one ruler away from D.O.

"Now set him free." I said. I slowly grabbing the knife. What fool he don't even know.

He chuckle. "Why should I!" He said. I turn around as fast as could. Everything became slow. I grab D.O's leg and stab the kidnapper's leg causing him to set D.O free. I push him causing to stumble in the rope lader of the helicopter. I pull the knife out. Then stab him shit suicide bomber. The helicopter is little far at me. I ran as fast as I could then jump. I use the gymnastic skill I flip my body and grab the last rope. The helicopter fly high. We are little far from the mansion then it explode.

"You ok!?" D.O shout while climbing.

"Yeah!" I said.

I thought in first place I will fail but it was a successful. I never expected that they has suicide bomer. My heart is beating so fast. I never know that I will reach in this kind of trouble!

It was so intense. I was watching the action movie when I'm writing this it is so cool. Sorry for slow update. Sorry I'm really busy. Sorry I will make sure that I will update often.

Thanks for still reading my book.

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