That's Life

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Author's pov

             Zhen feel nervous. She knows that if she answer Kris their is no turning back anymore. She was shock and she don't know what to do. She open her mouth.

"Y-yes" she answer the people clap their hands. Kris get the ring and put it in Zhen's finger. The people are very happy. Also Lay and Luhan they knoknows that Kris will never hurt her.

        Kris stand up then kiss Zhen. They were both smile to each other.

Zhen's pov
          My heart is pumping so fast. I feel so nervous. Aigo! I saw this in some K dramas. The girl feel nervous and her mother enter the room and comfort her. I wish it will happen to me. I'm so jealous to others that grow up with parents.

"Hey" I look up. It was Tao.

"Are you ok?" He said. My tears almost escape from my eyes but I manage to hold it.

"Ah ne just a little nervous." I said. He sat beside me.

"Aigo my little Zhen is going to merry now." He said.

"Tao" I said.

"Hmm?" He hum.

"I just want to say Thank you." I said while playing with my fingers.

"For what?" He ask.

"For replacing mother and father. Thank you for protection. Thank you for staying by my side." I said.

        I hug him and he pat my back. It makes me comfortable. I pull away.

"I need to go. Goodluck Zhen-ah fighting!" He said then went out.

"Ms. Zhen are you ready?" The wedding coordinator ask.

"Yeah!" I said. I stand up and went outside. The church was close. I can hear music start playing.

"Hey." It was Tao again.

"Ya! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Mom and Dad is not here so I'm the one in charge and-"

"Zhen-ahh I miss you so much!" Aunty.

"Aunty!" It was the doctor of my family that I call Aunt.

"Tao call me last week that you are getting married. So I'm going to replace your mother spot." She said. I hug her.

"Thank you." The door slowly open. The song start playing.

"This is it." I said. We start walking with Tao and Aunty. I look around then I saw Yoona with the boys. They wave and smile ofcourse I smile back. I focus my gaze to Kris. He was smiling at me. She was with mommy and daddy. They smile at me. I also smile wider. I didn't no that I'm already standing in front of Kris. I put my hands to Kris arms. And we both went to the altar. The prist start the mass.

"Kris do you accept Zhen to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Zhen do you accept Kris to be your husband?"

"I do"

"Wear this ring as sign of my love an loyalty. To death do as part."

           Kris and I said and he put the ring on my finger. I also put the ring to his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride."

After 4 months

               Kris brought her to the Namsa tower.

"Ya! Where are we going!?" Zhen ask while walking with Kris.

"Secret" Kris said. He covers Zhen's eyes with blindfold.

"Wait duck a little." Kris assist her as she enter the car.

"Don't you dare to get your blindfold." Kris warn.

       He start the engine of the car. Kris turn on the radio. The song you are my everything start playing. Zhen smile what she hear.

"Remember that." Kris said while smiling.

"Yeah why don't you sing it again." Zhen said.

"Nope I won't." He said.

"Please oppa! Plisssshhhh!" Zhen said.

    Kris don't a choice but to sing it for Zhen. Zhen was smiling until the song finish.

"I really love your voice." Zhen said.

"Just my voice what do you loke the most me or my voice?" Kris ask.

"Hmmm?" Zhen hum.

"You ofcourse your voice will not get jealous." She said. Kris hold Zhen hands after 10 minutes they arive at the Namsa tower.

"Where hear!" Kris cheer.

     He assist Zhen and he get the blindfold. Zhen drop it jaws.

"Wow! Namsa tower!" Zhen said she is very happy.

       Kris smile and he hold Zhen's hands as they enter the Namsa tower.

"Good evening Sir and Maam." The waitress said. She guide Kris and Zhen to the rooftop. As they enter sweet music entertain them.

Kris pull the chair as Zhen sit comfortably.

"Thank you." Zhen said.

"For what?" Kris ask whjle eating.

"For being my hotest boyfriend and Fiancee." Zhen said Kris hold Zhen's hands.

"Thank you also for being my cool, beautiful, loving, sweet, caring future wife.

"I have a gift for you." They both said.

"You first!" Zhen said. Kris pull the box. And give it to Zhen.
Zhen open the box. It was a necklace. It has a little star in the pendant.

"Wow Thank you." She said. Kris stand up and put the necklace to Zhen's neck. Kris kiss Zhen.

"Open my gift for you." Zhen said. Kris open the box.

"A baby shoes! Your pregnant!?" He ask. Kris eyes sparkles because of that. He feel very happy. Zhen nodded. Kris hug her.

"I will make sure that I will take care both of you." He said and he hug Zhen securely.


Hi guys! They have a baby.
Is it a girl or a boy!
I'm so excited.
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