Special Chap: The Hunted House

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Kris' pov

"Uncle Tao I want to go to the hunted house!" Akisha ask Tao. She keep hugging Tao with her small hands. I'm actually in the Apartment I bought here in Korea I decided to

"Please." She pleaded.

"Baby your uncle Tao is scared..."

"No uncle Tao will kill those bad guys by his Wushu in the hunted house.... Right Uncle Tao..." Tao was just blinking. Like he is still processing what was Akisha asking her.

"Kris help me huhuhu." Tao pleaded but I ignore him.

"Please! Ken help me your going to horror house with me right?" Ken just nodded and continue walking. Ken doesn't talk so much but he love reading books. He also do special training of Wushu with Tao.

"Ok ok I don't have any choice anyway..." Tao said with mixed feelings look. I laugh loud because of that poor Tao. Before I can laugh more Tao kick my ass. I glare at him and Tao laugh.

"Yehet....!!" Akisha said and swaying her tiny hands in the air.

"I'm so excited!!!" I said sarcastically. I lool at Tao who look his gonna cry. I remember the memories back in exo showtime. I chuckle a bit because of that. Seeing Tao very scared with Sehun laughing to his Hyung.

"Why are you Laughing?" Tao ask. Gosh that was longtime ago. I think those dorks are all busy with there career right now.

"Nothing.." I said. I carry Ken in my arms and continue walking.

"Appa I want to walk. I'm not a baby anymore." Ken said while whining.

"No you can't Ken. Your just 3 years old. You are still a baby." I said he didn't complain anymore instead he fell asleep in my arms. When I reach the car parking lot. I saw Zhen came out from her car.

"Where are you guys going?" She ask and put her hands in her hips. I put down Ken and extend my arms. I was thinking she would ran to me and give me a kiss. Hell no Kris Zhen is deferent to other girls so I just give her a kiss on the lips.

"Ya get a room." Tao said while carrying the twins in his arms.

"The twins decided to go to the hunted house with Tao." Zhen immediately laugh. Tao shoot Zhen a glare.


"Ok ok go and have fun..I have shooting today." She said. Zhen place a kiss on Ken and Akisha.

"Promise me to be good to your uncle Tao and Daddy ok." She said and smile.
"Attention!" Zhen said and they both salute.

Horror house

"Andweeeeeeeee!" We heard someone scream inside the horror house. Tao gulp because of that.

"What was that!?" Akisha ask. Aww I think she's scared.

"It's sound exciting." No she's not scared.
5 minutes later
"Appa kadja!" She scream in excitement. Everything is so fine but I just realised Akisha wasn't beside Tao anymore.

"Tao where is Akisha?" I ask.

"She's right her ahhhhhhh!" He flinched when he saw Akisha wasn't there anymore.

"Appa Akisha went that way." Ken said.

"Bwo!?" I immediately carry Ken in my arms and I went to the direction can told me. In the other hand Tao was clinging in my arms.

"Ya! Tao get your arm off me." I said to Tao. I tried to shake him off while my eyes was locked to the way.

"Tao!" I look at Tao.

"Ahhhhh!" I run away. That's not Tao.

"Appa!" I heard Akisha scream.

"I'm coming baby!" I said. I hold Ken very tightly then I ran to the direction where I heard Akisha scream.


Tao's pov

"Kris!" Holly shit. I lost Akisha now I'm the one who is lost. This place is so creepy.

"Appa!" I flinched when I hear a high pitch voice.

"Wae!?" I cried. I hold my flashlight.

Few minutes later

Kris's pov

"Gwenchanayo?" Ken said while comforting his twin sister. She was crying. I look at Tao who is beside me who was crying too.

"Tao stop crying you're not a baby anymore." I said. I face my twins.

"Akisha Ken promise me you will never tell your eomma about this ok?"

"About what Kris?" I heard Zhen voice.

"Noona!" Tao rush to Zhen for a hug but Zhen stop him. She smack Tao's head he immediately curled into a ball because of pain.

"Eomma!" Akisha jump into Zhen's arms.

"You better tell me what happened Kris.." She said while patting Akisha's back.

"Appa and Uncle Tao lost me on the hunted house." I'm dead.

"WU YI FAAAAANNN!" I better run....

Sorry guys it little bit late high school life if pretty hard because I just migrated to Australia and school is pretty hard so I haven't updated recently.. thanks for supporting this book and please check out  my new books... bye bye

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