Mysterious Man

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Hi guys.... sorry Because I did not update...

Hahha You may continue reading..


Zhen's pov

Kring Kring

I start walking downstairs.


"Yeboseyo" I said again.

"Zhen my baby" that voice.

"Mama..mama" I said tears slowly escape from my eyes.

Toot toot

"Mama..Yeboseyo.." I slowly sat down in the floor still holding the telephone.

"Noona Noona what happened?" It's Sehun.


"She is alive... omma is alive" I said. He hug me.

"I know simple hug can help you." He said. I start crying.
In the other side


"What did I tell not to contact Zhen!"

"But I missed her so much I don't even know what she looks like anymore if she cut her hair. If she had a boyfriend." Zhen's omma said.

"I know but this is for the best just wait ok" Zhen's omma just nod as a response.

"Zien shin.. I missed her too. Is she ok Yeobo?"

"Yes Yeobo. You know what she is in the same company as Tao." Her husband said.

"I hope they get along well. I miss them so much."

SNSD's dorm

Choi Soo-young's pov

"Yoona! Im Yoona" I shout to the sleeping Yoona.

"Damn what!?" She ask. I show her cellphone. She snatch her phone away from me.

"Yeboseyo.. Zhen yeah. Mianhe I forgot let's meet in the dance room ok bye"

"Who is Zhen?" I ask.
"My bestfriend Tao's sister" Yoona said.

"Wanna come?" She ask.

"Sure" I answer.

Zhen's pov

I start entering the dance room.

"Zhen!" Yoona said. Hugging me.
"Ya! Im Yoona stop hugging me!" I said.

"Ya! I missed you"

"You know what your so very Oa!" I said then she let go.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"


"Hahaha you guys are cute"

"Sooyoung Unni" I said.

"You know me?"

"Yes are you kidding me you are very popular back home. In China" I said. I call her Eonni because Yoona said.

"So what show your stunt" Yoona said.

"Well ok" I said. I start doing the stunt. After that I do the stunt that Tao did in overdose.

"Ya! You should not do that stunt because if you--"

"Ya! Stop it you are like her mother" Yoona said.


"Miahe.. Sorry" Yoona said.

"It's ok"

"Arroso let's go eat outside" Soyoung unni said.

Kimchi Restaurant

"Wow " I said.

"This food is really really great!" Yoona said.

"Just like mom's cook" I said.

"Ne unni"


"Ma'am someone is want to give you this" one of the waiter said. And she give me a small box.
"Oh gumawo" I said. The waiter already left.

"To: Zhen
From: Mysterious Man." I said.

"Wow its look very cute" I said. A necklace with a small star pendant and letter Z in the right.

"Ehem! Looks like someone has a lover" Yoona said.

"Ya! Stop it!" I said.

"Ne ne ne Hmm this is interesting" Yoona said.

"Guys let's just continue eating ok!" I said.

"But is it Kris or Sehun or Lay or Luhan--"

"Ya! Just stop ok!" I said.

"Aruso" this brat.

We just continue eating.

Author's pov

While the three girls are having fun their are pair of two eyes watching them. Smiling like he was already contented seeing the girls happy and eating happily.

'Who are you mysterious man?' Zhen ask to her self.


Sorry for not updating.

I'm always busy because of practice.

I hope you guys understand.


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