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:I really love Infinite:

This is it lunch time this time I don't want to eat. I start walking then I suddenly remember the piano. I start running around the school where in the world is there music room here.?? Wait why am I running like crazy? 

"Hey Zhen" Jin.

"Oh Jin" I said.

"Why are you running?" She asked

"I'm just looking for the music room" I said.

"Oh the music room it is near to the stage" he said. I thanked him and I start running. He is probably wondering while I'm running. Who cares! I'm weird anyways I accept that but my brother is weirder I swear.

Music room

"I really miss playing piano" I said. I run my fingers into the keys smoothly. It's been a while. Music is running into my family's blood. I don't really sing but it's more like I like listening to music. It helps me relax and study. That's why Tao joined a boyband. He loves music more than I do. After my parents died he focused more in music while me I focused more in wushu. 

I inhale and exhale. I press the keys. I like fixed stars. That's my favourite song. 

As I pressed the last key. Someone stars clapping beside me. I turn around.

"Wow Zhen! You're getting better! I'm so proud with my little sister!" Tao said while beaming at me. 

"I didn't know that the famous Zhen is a fan of Infinite." It's Myungsoo of Infinite. I'm a big fan of them their songs are just soulful. 

"Oh L" Omo is ahhhh ok stop this feelings Zhen act coool. Because you are cool. Born to be cool but this is L who is standing in front of you. Keep it cool.

"You know me?'"

"Hahaha yes I know you" He said. Stupid question Zhen of course he does you're famous to you know. Omo someone slap me. Wake me up. Never thought I would see him.

"And How did you know me?" I ask. Stupid question Zhen. Very stupid question.

"Are you kidding me you are very popular and this is the first time I saw you wearing skirt" he said. He cover his mouth with his hand. Well that is kind of weird. We both look at each other and burst into awkward laugh. 

"Ahh hehe" He scratch the back of his head. He blush a little bit. Cute! 

"Are you perhaps fan of infinite because while I'm walking I heard that you are playing one of the song." He said.

"Hehehe I am yeah" I answer. He smile at me.  A smile for me. I love it when someone smile at me only for me.

Kring kring

"Oh ok nice meeting you Zhen" He said and he run away. Well I better run too I have class.


    I haven't seen Tao this lunch. Probably he is busy with his band mates or something. As my thoughts floods my brain. The door suddenly open widely. Oh look he is here Tao. My older stupid dumb brother. He didn't even look at me. Ts! whatever I better make some plans. I have enough money to survive but I still need to work. I grab my notebook and list my plans.

        'find a company or find a new job'

Tao's pov

I tried not to talk to her. I did my best to ignore her. I don't want to drew any attention. My fans will bother her. Everybody probably notice the resemblance of features that we share.

'find a company or find a new job'

This girl came all the way here without money.

After class

Zhen's pov

    I feel very weak. If I can just rewind the clock that I can go back to the times that Tao is still  taking care of me I will do it. I miss the times how he fight the bullies who always makes me cry. I really miss my old Oppa. I can feel warm tears forming in my eyes. I wipe them away. I hate crying I hate it.  I start walking but I'm still thinking about Tao. Why did everything turns out like this. I just want my brother back.

Parking lot

      "That girl it's already 6:00pm" I said Yoona that stupid girl. I know she is busy but it's just she promised me.  It looks like it's gonna rain soon. A car stop in front of me then the window slide down. Whose this jerk.

"Tao!?" I said. I'm shocked. 

"Come on get inside" he said. I don't want too. Before I can give him my answer my phone starts ringing. Oh it's Yoona that bitch.


"Yoona! You Stupid girl where are you!" I shout.

"Sorry I can't fetch you just call a taxi. I'm really sorry Zhen. Mom called she said dad is in the hospital right now." Yoona I'm gonna cry why would you leave me like this. 

"I understand" then she hung up. I lower my head.

"Yo! come on" uhh I have no other choice I just sit at the passenger sit then slam the door of his car. It kinda give me cringe.

"My home is in XXX-XXX-XXX" More like my friends house who is actually willing to let me stay. A person who actually who cares about me. Unlike Tao. 

"What's up with that expression do you want me to kick you out of my car?"

"Aniya! sorry" I said. 



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