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Iu's dream

"Happy valentines!" IU said. In her dreams.

She only see blurry figure. But she feel happy.

"Happy valentines mama papa and panda" she said. In her dream she is still 7 years old.
"Happy valentines too"

It's like she feel very happy.

Then the situation change again. She can see a figure. Kneeling down.

"Wae!? Mama papa"

Then the the door suddenly oppen.

Then the situation change again.

She can see a face but it is blurry. She can see the girl was smiling.

The situation change again.

"You don't know me!"

"Yes I know you you are the slut bitch"

Then something brake.

The situation change again.

It was raining. She was walking. Crossing the roud.



IU's pov

I oppen my eyes. What was that?
I turn on the light I just realized that L was sleeping beside me. He suddenly open his eyes.

"Hey" he said.

"Did I wake up you? I'm sorry. Let's just sleep---" He stop my hand before I can turn off the light. He hug me. I turn around.

"What is the problem?" I ask.

"Don't go ok. Don't leave me what ever happened." He said.

"Is their something wrong?" I ask.

"Just promise me ok" he said.

"Ok promise" I said and hug him.

"Goodnight" he said.

"Goodnight" I said.

I close my eyes.

L's pov

I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry.. for not telling you the truth.

In Exo Dorm

" Happy Valentines Noona" Sehun said softly to Zhen's picture.

The door suddenly bursted.

"Happy Valentines everyone" Cindy said. All of the members are sitting in the couch they are like no energy.

"Hey do I have get any present?" She ask..

"You witch" Tao said grabbing Cindy's collar they boy's stop him.

"Ya! Oppa~~" Cindy said.

"Don't you dare to call me oppa.. I know you are the one who kidnap Zhen!"

"What are you talking about" Tao trying to escape from Chen, Luhan, Suho, Lay and Kai.

"You witch I know that is you!"

"Tao! What are you doing!?" Kris suddenly appear and shielding her fiance.

"She is the reason--"

"That's enough Tao! You are always like that! You always blamed her! Zhen is gone ok! She left because of you! She was sick of your attitude!"

"That's not True..!"

Sehun's pov

I hate seeing my Hyung fighting. I feel little tears falling down on my face. Memories from the past when me and my brother are fighting.

"Kris Hyung. Tao gege" I said. They stop fighting. My tears still falling down.

"Can you please stop fighting. I'm sick seeing you guys fighting" I said. Then a familiar feeling coming back again.

I can't hear their voice anymore just like what happened when I was still a child.

Sehun fall down Kai catch him.

"What is happening to him is he ok?" Tao ask.

"He can't be sad again it affect his heart" D.O. said.

"We have to call his doctor" D.O. said.

They carry Sehun to his room. Then they heard the doorbell.

"I will get it" Cindy said.

The doctor enter and examine Sehun.

"He need to rest. D.O. call his parents. He need to relax. And don't forget his medicine ok." The doctor said then he left.

"D.O. what happened to him?" Tao ask.

"Sehun is sick."

"Sick?" Tao ask.

"Yes When he is sad. He always fainted like this."

"This is my fault" Tao said.

"Excuse me I will call his parents" D.O. said.

D.O's pov

"Hello tita"

"Yes D.O. How's Sehun"

"Tita Sehun need you" I said.

"Again ok I will send my driver their ok" then she cut the line.

I call Manager

"Hello.. I think Exo members need break" I said. Then end the call.

*beep* *beep*

I oppen the door the black car.

I go up to my room then pack all of my things.
"Your leaving?" Kai ask with sad face.

"I think we all need a break." I said then closing my bag.

"D.O. where are you going?" Luhan ask.
"Hyung I need we all need a break" I said.
I enter the car Sehun is still not waking up I climb in the car. With my bag.

The next morning

Suho's pov

I make sure the dorm door is luck. And every thing is ok. All of the members were out. I will miss the dorm. I miss my home the old one. The one that full of happiness and color. Tears slowly flow down. I miss the old Kris and Tao.

"Hey Suho" it's Lay.

"It is hard for me Lay seeing my members fighting and now leaving" I said. Lay hug me.

"Me too"

"After one month everything will be ok" he said.

"I-I hope so" I said.

Sorry for not updating.

This chapter is little bit sad.

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