Evil Sehun

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Zhen's pov

I'm just staring in the ceiling. Luhan already left. I keep thinking what he said.

"Aishhh" I shut my eyes.
Well he looks like Luggie but nah he is more handsome than Luggie. I oppen my eyes when I feel like is someone shaking my body.


"Are you ok? you look very pail. I s your head still hurts? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"No I think I just need some rest"

"Suho uhm I think I will skip the practice. Zhen she's not ok." Then he ended the call.

"Practice of what?" I ask.

"Uhmm Basketball" he said.

"Oh ok" I said.

"Are you hungry? Kyungsoo cook this for you say ah" he said.

"I can eat by my self" I said.

"You know what"


"Mother show up in my dreams. Mother said if she can't do this to you so she want me to do it. So ahhh" he said.

After 30 minutes

Is it True mother said that or Tao just want me to eat the food that stupid Panda.

"Aisshhhh again" I said.

"Hey you ok?"

"Do I look ok" I said.

"Aishh if you are not in hospital I will surely kick you!" He said.

"Go home now you have class tomorrow" I said. While looking at the window.

"FINE!" he shout then he slam the door. Oh great.

I just continue reading my book.

Sehun's pov

Should I visit Noona. Even though it's already 9:00. I think they don't accept visitors anymore. Oh I will just climb the wall. I bring my backpack then I wear my shades, jacket and bonnet. I slowly walk because Luhan Hyung is sleeping already. I slowly close the door. I decide to use the backdoor.

"Sehun what do you think your doing"

"Hehehe Kris Hyung Hi. Ahm hehe bye" I ran but Kris Hyung following me. I climb the tree.

"That Sehun." Hahaha. Finally he left.

Zhen's pov

"Hey Noona wake up" I oppen my eyes when I feel that someone is shaking my body.

"Sehun why are you here?" I ask.

"Visiting you"

"It's already 9:00pm visiting hours is 1:00-7:00." I said.

"They don't want me to visit you so I decided to visit you now"

"Aishhh I'm sure they will scold you if Suho---"

"Noona lets just go out" he said he help me to sit in the wheelchair.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"But Sehun thanks for taking me out. I'm already sick of being stuck in the hospital for almost 3 days" I said.

"Yehet this is going to be fun" he said.

Hospital garden

"Wow finally" I said while closing my eyes. Then everything of my memories flash. Bad memories and good memories. When I enter the school. When the accident happened to me.

"Noona...Kris Hyung said Tao-gege can't easily sleep because he always having a bad dream" he said.


"But he never tell anyone what is his dream all about except Kris." He said.


"Noona watch me" he said.

"Ya Sehun what are you doing?" I ask. He throw the stick.

"Oops" the stick landed to the head of guard.

"Ya Sehun" he push my wheelchair then he help me to go back in the bed.

"Sleep now Noona I have to go back to the dorm" he said.

"Visit me again tomorrow Sehun" I said.

"Sure Noona"

Sehun's pov

I use the back door. I slowly walk inside my room.

"Ya! Sehun" it's D.O and the others.

"Ya! Oh Sehun where did you go?" Suho grandpa said.

"Do you know what time is it? It's already 12:00" D.O. said like my mom. He then pinch my ears.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Omma! Stop!" I said. Then he let go my ears.

"Ya! Go back to your room!" Kris said.

"Ok Appa, Omma, Grandpa Suho"

"Ya! You pabo Sehun go back here I'm not your GRANDPA!"


Hello my lovely readers.

Yeah Finally did you guys like it? I hope you guys like it. Sorry because of the wrong grammar and spellings.

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