The kidnapper's game

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Zhen's pov

I open the door and slam it. Then I throw myself in the sofa. I burry my face in the pillow and scream in the top of my lungs. "Arhhhh Tao!" I really want to punch his face. I'm so damn frustrated! Uhhhhh!!! (A/U: lol this is literally me when my younger sis makes me mad..😤😤😤)

I open my bag then grab my note book. Start writing stuff. The words doesn't even look like words. They look like bunch of lines. This is what happens when you're trying to write and you're angry.

Kring kring. My suddenly ring. Aish who the  heck is this person. It's just a number.


"May I speak to Huang Kong Zhen"


"Hi Zhen This is manager Kim of Sm entertainment. Yoona said that you are looking for a job. I have a job offer for you we can discuss it with you in the office. Why don't you pay us a visit."

"Well thank you for the offer Mr. Kim. I really do appreciate the offer I'll think about it."

"Alright! Great! I'm looking forward to work with you. Just contact this number. Thank you have a nice day bye."


End of call

"I wonder what job is it" I said. Wait should I go or not go. I mean going there I will be able to see Tao again and pester him for the rest of his life. I can go there to be with Yoona. What should I eat for dinner I'm starving. I feel like I'm gonna turn into skeleton soon. I open my fridge and there it is Pizza. I reheat it in microwave while waiting I scroll down to my social media account.


'You b*tch'

'What have you done to Hyuna'

'F*ck you b*tch"

"Turning up into a prestigious school like a mushroom."

"Get out of school."

"Stunt woman's doesn't belong here." 


"Hey! You stupid bashers! Don't you ever try to hurt Zhen"

"It's ok Zhen we are here for you"

"You f bashers back off"

"Ahhh I already knew that they will" i said I'm lucky that I have fans. Toa your not the only one who is popular me too you now. I eat pizza angrily as I remember Tao. I want to choke him with Pizza.

Lots of f you f that. Those words doesn't affect me anymore. Swear to me all you want I don't really care. I'm made of stone. My heart is stone. This stone heart will be thrown to Tao and hurt him. What the heck am I thinking I probably should sleep. I don't want to have eye bags like Tao.  

The next morning

    I can feel the other student looking at me or stabbing me with their death glare. There's something off with this people. Pabo I can see you in my peripheral view. I knew they were already plotting something. I open my umbrella and as a white stuff starts to pour from second floor. 

"Oh look it's snowing with baking powder. What a waist how many bread you could have baked with that ts ts." I said note the sarcasm of course. 

"Uh you missed pabo!" one of the student said. Then I continue walking I close the umbrella and chuck it in the bin. Those pranks don't work to me anymore.

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