My punishment

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Tao's pov

[Tao please help Zhen... she don't want to go out to her room..]

{But she don't want me their.. she said she don't want me}

[Tao please help us she need you]

{She don't need me}

[What kind of brother you are!? She needs you! Every night I can hear her crying saying your name! How can you say that she don't need you!]

End of call

      I punch the wall. "What the fuck" I said. What can I do she don't want me to be with her..

"Hey dude what happened?"

"Nothing Kris hyung" I said.

"I know she need you." He said I look to him.


"She is your tween sister right?" He ask.

"Go now" he said then push me.
"But" then he drag me to his car.

"You need to talk to her" he said.

"Fine" I said.

Zhen's apartment

    Now I'm standing here in front of her apartment. Do I really need to talk to her? I knock 3 times. Then the door oppen.

"Tao" Yoona said.

"Yoona" I look to her back Zhen.

"Zhen" I call her name.

"What!?" She ask.

"I want to say sorry... sorry because I stay away.. sorry because of my selfishness.. sorry for the all things that I have done.." I said. I can feel warm tears rolling down from my eyes.

"Sorry is not enough prove it.  Prove it" she said.

Zhen's pov

"What the.. why did you call him Yoona" I said.

"Because I heard you last night crying... you are saying his name" she said.

"I don't care just please next time don't call him ok" I extend my arms then I start walking.


1 week that I can see.. but the doctor said that I'm going to be ok..

I can't work.. I can't do things that I use to do. I know it is sound stupid. Then I hear something was broken.

Author's pov

       The window of her room was broken. Zhen start walking. She extends her hands in the air. Then she accidental step to the broken glass from the window.

"Ahhhh" she ground in pain. Then again she accidental hold to the broken widow her both hands and feet are bleeding. Then a mysterious man throw the stone. Then the stone landed to Zhen's head then she collapse to the floor.


Zhen's pov

Ahhhh my hands and my feet.  "Dam it Fucking hurts." I said. I slowly open my eyes white ceiling, white curtains,  white walls. I can see.

"I can see now oh my god!" I said then I slowly sit.

"Hey are you ok?" That voice.

"Tao" I said.

"This is all my fault" he said.

"No this is all my fault.." I said.

"No If I force you to go with me then you are still ok" he said.

"No I think this is my punishment for being stubborn" I said.

"Your eyes are they ok know?" He ask.

"Ne" I answer then he he kiss my head.

Awww uh I want to have brother like Tao...
That's all for today...
Bye bye

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