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Zhen's pov

         I woke up with my body hurts so much. My hands are tied with rope. I'm sitting in a chair. What happened the last thing I remember I was walking in the garden.

"Well well  your already awake." I remember that voice. Cindy's voice. I look up and I saw her.

"What do you want!? " I ask her with my irritated voice. I glared at her.

"Oh I'm scared!hahahhaha!" She said.

"Your Fucking dead fish!" I will let my hurtful voice to hurt her. Let's see.

"What did you say!" She said pulling my hair.

"Huh! Say what you want! But everything is too late Kris is going to merry me!" Cindy said pulling my hair.

"Ts! Even though your going to merry Kris his heart will never be yours because Kris never fall inlove with you! Because he loves me--" she slap me hard in the cheeks.

"Do you think that ordinary slap will hurt me! Your weak!" I said. She storm out from the room.

"Your going to pay for all of this Cindy! I will fallow you! I will hunt you in your dreams!" I shout trying to scare that dead fish.

Kris' pov

I was standing inside of the church. I suppose to run away but father's bodyguards kidnapped me. The Exo members searching for Zhen she was missing. I want to run away but father is glaring at me. Someone save me.

I don't want to merry a girl that bitch. She hurt Zhen. She is monster. I don't want to merry a monster. The wedding song start playing. She slowly walking holding her bouquet of flowers. I imagine that it was Zhen is wearing the gown but it's not.

Life is really unfair.

Zhen's pov
I try to reach the knot at my back. And I remember that O have a lighter in my long sleeve.

"Oh come on slide out please!" I curse the lighter slowly slide down. But  I can't reach it.

Tao's pov

      Where did they keep her. Think! Think!. Then I remember the old classroom in the school at the back of the campus. I drive faster so I can reach on time.

Kris' pov

               Is this my faith to be with her forever! I don't even love her. Father and I walk to fetch her. I stay cold. I don't have choice. I escort her towards the altar. The priest start the mass.

Zhen's pov

        Come on burn the rope. The rope slowly loosen. I unleash the rope. I ran out from the storage room then I saw Tao fighting the men.
"Go! Use my car! Stop! The wedding!" He shout.

"Where!?" He told me the address. I drive fast as I could. Please let me stop the wedding!

What Trafic Jam!? I left Tao's car sorry Tao I will just buy new one for you. I run fast as I could so I can reach he church.

Kris' pov

   "Wu Yi Fan do you accept Cindy to be you wife?"

        I think for a meanwhile. No I will not merry her. I turn my back then started walking away.

"Kris stop!" Cindy shout she follow me. Until I reach the garden.

"Stop following me!" I shout. I decide to run. Until I reach the parking lot.

                This is Final I will never let anyone stop me. Not Cindy Not Father. Zhen is the only girl I love and she will be the first and the last girl.

"Kris!" Then I saw Zhen. Standing in the other side of the parking lot.

            My Angel the girl that I love the most.

"Zhen!" She  start walking towards my direction. Then a car appear.

Cindy's pov

I will not let you be happy with her Kris! I curse I enter the car. And drive. I will kill you Zhen. I drive in full speed. You are mine Kris! Youre mine. I drive straight towards  Zhen but Kris push her away. I immediately press the break but it's too late.

Zhen's pov

        I oppen my eyes. Then my vision slowly adjust. I saw Cindy getting out from the car. I immediately stand up then push her away from Kris.

"Your monster look at what you done to him!" I can feel my eyes become hotter. My tears pour down at Kris face. This is all Cindy's fault! She is a monster! She was blinded by her love to Kris.

"It was you! You are the one should lying at their and not him." I stand up and punch her beautiful face. This is for your taste your own blood.

"That is for Kris." Then the other members rush.

"Suho call a police and an Ambulance!" I said in hurry. I pull her hair.
Swaying her left to right. Let her feel the pain. She scream in pain.
I want to see her begging to stop.

"You are going to pay for this! If he die I will make sure to make your life become hell!" I said and slap her so hard. Her cheeks were red.

"That's enough." Tao said pulling me away.

"Your a Monster! Your Going to pay for this! Your will never be HAPPY!" I shout I pull away from Tao and rush to Kris.

"Ya! Wake up please!" I said. I saw the ambulance. Tao pull me away. As the medic carry him. I enter the ambulance. The doctor put apparatus to him. I hold Kris hands.

"Please wake up I'm begging you" I said in soft voice.


"Hey Is he ok?" I ask to the doctor.

"Just keep talking to him it can help" the doctor said.

"Kris can you hear me?" I ask him. I touched his Cheeks. His hair that full of blood.

"Ofcourse the most beautiful voice I heard." He said still closing his eyes. This guy he still joke around even he was suffering in pain.

"Why did you do that!? Why did you save me?!" I shout. He hold my hand.

"How many times I tell you  I love you so much even my life I will sacrifice for you" He said. The doctor push the stretcher but I still hold Kris hands.

"Stop crying it make you ugly." He said.

"Please never give up fight for me Kris!" I shout then I let him go. They enter the operating room. I was left alone. My body hurts so much but I endure it for Kris.

I sat down still crying.

"Zhen? Everything going to be fine" Tao said then he hug me. I keep crying until I fell a sleep.

Hi guys! I made a long chapter this time. I hope you guys like it thanks for reading

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