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*Devin's POV*

I think they believe me. I think they think I'm happy.

This is the right thing to do. One hundred percent. They won't notice when I'm gone, will they? 

It was still dark outside. Perfect. I pulled my backpack over my hoodie and walked down into the kitchen. Should I leave a note? It'll break my heart leaving Meredith, but she won't care. 

She doesn't love me. 

My heart pounded and I shut the fridge, having taken a lot of food to take with me. I was going to run. I was going to run until I was somewhere where I didn't know anyone. No one can know. 

They won't look for me. They'll be happy. Who would want me here? Clearly Kai hates me. All of them do. Instead of killing myself, I'm just going to escape. 

I reached the door and felt myself shaking. It felt like my heart was stopping. Wait. I needed to take something of Meredith's. Otherwise I'll never be able to remember her. 

Was I right in doing this, or is my mind taking over me? No. This is right. Then Kai and Meredith can finally go out without me getting in the way.

It hurts me even just to think of Kai and Meredith loving each other. But they do. 

When I reached Meredith's bedside, I felt tears in my eyes. Fuck. It hurts to leave someone you love so much. Even if they don't love you back.

I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. As I pulled away, I gasped. If she woke up, I'd have to stay. And then she would have to cheat on me. Although, deep down something was willing her to wake up. 

She smiled in her sleep and turned to face me, snuggling into the pillow. Aw. Meredith is so adorable. That bastard will enjoy her cuteness when they go out. I just feel sorry for Ashley. Clearly she doesn't know that they love each other.

Her jet black hair was spread out all over the pillow and she had her arms out in front of her as if she was yearning for something. She was so perfect.

A tear rolled down my face and dropped next to her sleeping body. My whole body shook, and I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out Meredith's My Chemical Romance t-shirt. Quickly, I sprayed it with her perfume and shoved the shirt in my bag. 

Now when I miss her I can always have something of hers. Because I clearly don't have her heart. 

As fast as I could I made my way to the front door. I couldn't bare looking around for too long, it'd make me regret my decision. But I'm doing this for the good of Meredith. 

I opened the door and took one step when I heard a voice behind me. "Dude... Where are you going?" 

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