Twenty Eight.

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So if I get the job, I'll get a call later today.

I had swapped phone numbers with Coraline so that we could talk more. She seemed like a nice girl. Hopefully she'll get the job.

After reaching home again, I knocked on the door. Silence.

Damn, everyone needs to get up, its already midday. I knocked again. Once, twice, three times. Nothing.

I got out my phone to call Kai to wake him up, and I turned it on having turned it off so it didn't ring in the interview.

Suddenly, my phone was buzzed with forty missed calls and ten texts.


From: Kai

Where are you?




Baby I'm worried


Felix isn't waking up


There's blood coming out of his mouth we're taking him to hospital babe come home


He's in a drug enduced coma Ashley where the fuck are you???? What's more important than your best friend?????


Hello? We're on floor seven of the hospital if you care about Felix???


Fucking answer!!! Now!!! He's in a really bad condition and I'm worried about you too.


Ashley he's dying


I don't think he's going to make it Ash

Oh my God... I started running around the corner of the road and up towards the Main Street.

People were looking at me like I was crazy but I didn't care. Felix might not be alive right now. I sprinted towards the hospital, sweat pouring down my forehead.

I ran into the lobby and up the stairs, not having time to wait for the lift. Once I'd run up seven flights of stairs I threw myself into the ward and what I saw from about ten metres away made me burst into tears.

Felix lay in a bed, still and pale, with Adrianna sitting on a chair next to his head. She wept softly, her tears falling down onto Felix's face.

At the end of the bed sat Devin, with a crying Meredith on his lap, and Kai, all by himself, biting his nails and staring at his phone.

I ran down towards them and flew into Kai's arms. "Where were you?" Kai asked.

I opened my mouth to talk when I was interrupted by the sound of the heart monitor making a slow, constant beeping noise.

Looking at the monitor, I saw something that made me feel like throwing up. Felix was flatlining. His heart wasn't beating.

"Nurse!" Devin yelled, jumping up. "Somebody please!"

"He's dying!" Adrianna screamed.

Time stood still, just like Felix's heartbeat, and in slow motion, Felix was surrounded by doctors and nurses. Adrianna fell to the floor in a faint and Meredith screamed.

All we could do was watch. We were powerless. Kai looked at me in terror, realising that we were watching our best friend die.

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