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A/N: a lot has been going on and I've been ignoring you guys a lot I'm sorry but I'll be back to daily updates now!!

Everything in my life has sorted out and I hope you all haven't forgotten me.

Love you ♥

*Devin's POV*

I woke up with Meredith laying with her head on my chest. Slowly, a grin crept across my face. I'd missed this.

"Angel..." I wanted to hear her voice. "Angel wake up."

She mumbled something under her breath. "What?" I chuckled.

"Five more minutes..." She groaned and snuggled into me.

I giggled and started playing with her hair. She started snoring softly and I felt my heart melt. Meredith was the most adorable girl in the world.

Kai appeared in the doorway. "Dude. She's so cute." I whispered, pointing at Meredith.

"Aww!" he gasped. "Hey, I need to talk to you about her." He frowned.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Well, did you leave because you thought me and Meredith had a thing? Because if so that's completely wrong." Kai looked uncomfortable.

"To be honest I did." I shrugged. "But now I know how stupid that is. I'm sorry, bro."

"Its okay." He smiled gratefully and left the room.

I yawned and felt Meredith's hot breath on my face. "Babe. Wake up." I laughed.

"No." I could see her trying not to smirk.

"Your loss." I said, ticking her mercilessly.

"Ah! Stop!" She squealed. "I'm up, I'm up!"

"Good." I said simply, hugging her as we both sat up. "I missed you so much."

"Are you my boyfriend?" She asked suddenly.

"What? Yeah!" I said quickly. "Well... I mean, are we, you know, going out?"

"I... Yeah. Yeah we are." She nodded.

There was a moment of silence and we both just started laughing. "What the heck is wrong with us?" Meredith giggled.

"Do you wanna go on a date tonight?" I asked.

"Sure Dev." She winked.

"Did you just call me Dev?" I said pouted. "Ew."

"That's your new name." She announced. "And you will be fucking pleased."

"Whatever." We teased each other flirtatiously for a while until I stopped to look at her.

Her shoulder length black hair shone like a dark raven flying through the sky in an orange evening. Meredith's grey eyes were shining from the sun which was coming through the window.

Her pale skin was perfect even without makeup and her eyelashes were very long.

She was so beautiful.

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