Thirty Two.

691 65 26

A/N: Guys I know I havent been here for a while but a lot is going on in my life and you know how much I love writing for you and every vote makes me smile, and your comments make my day.

I hope you like my writing and I will have probably lost a lot of readers and followers over these two weeks but thank you for reading this and I hope you will stay loyal to me and forgive me for not being here. I love you more than anything (yes you reading this) and you make me want to be an author when I'm older. Maybe I'm sort of an author now. Who knows?

All I know is this is my tenth month on Wattpad and I have made hundreds of friends and I have a loyal bunch of readers so bare with me and I'll update more now, and once again thank you, I honestly with all my heart appreciate every single one of you ♥

*Devin's POV*

The door bell rang. I groaned and stood up, stretching. I'd just got back from visiting Felix, but I'd left a lot sooner than everyone else because I was exhausted.

It had been a weird month. Every day we'd go and meet Felix, then come back at night. Sierra was still staying with us too. We never really saw the outside world anymore.

Not that I did before. Hey, don't judge me, I would rather watch Adventure Time than leave my bedroom.

When the door oopened, I frowned. A girl with long, dark hair and tanned skin stood in the doorway. "Hey baby." She purred.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows. "Who are you."

She looked at me a little closer, then sighed. "Oh. You're not Felix."

"Nope. He's actually in hospital right now, so come back in two weeks when he's been let out." I explained.

Oops. Probably should not have told a stranger all that information. "Wait, who are you?" I asked.

"Kelli. Who are you?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Just 'Kelli' doesn't help me. More info." I said, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm Felix's ex." She smiled. "He's still in love with me. I broke up him and his girlfriend a few years ago. Now I'm back for my love."

"Oh shit! You're Kelli!" I gasped. I tried to slam the door but she held it open. Sighing, I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "He's still going out with her."

"What?" She screamed. Jesus Christ. First Morgan, then Kelli. Good thing I don't have any exes.

"I said, he's still going out with her!" I said, louder, smirking at my little bit of attitude.

"Let me in." She demanded.

"I'm home alone." I said. "Goodbye."

I was about to slam the door when a fist collided with my cheek. "Fuck, dude!" I looked up at Kelli, who had a fire of hatred burning in her eyes.

She elbowed me in the chest, and I stepped backwards. Before I knew it she was in the house and the door was shut.

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled. "Fine. Take a seat."

What could possibly go wrong with her here? She can't be that crazy.

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