Chapter 5 - Bubbles

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Taylor's P.O.V.
"I'm home!" I called from the hallway, as I dumped my coat on the radiator and kicked my boots off. The sound of rushing footsteps filled my ears as my sister, Sydney, came flying down the stairs.

"Taylor! Oh my God, why are you so wet?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed in wonder. I laughed quietly.

"In case you hadn't noticed, it's pouring with rain? Therefore, I am wet, seeing as I was out walking in it!" I said sarcastically, receiving a light hit on the arm from her. Sydney, was my older sister of 7 years. She's married to her partner, Sam, and has two children, Amelia (well, Mia for short) and Teddy. I've been living with them for just over half a year now, seeing as I'd recently finished up at university, and I'd been trying to find a place of my own somewhere, but with no success. Not that I minded staying with them, although Sydney could get a little over-protective sometimes. I guess she's just trying to look out for me, seeing as I don't have parents to do that anymore. But that's another story.

"So, what were you doing out in the rain for so long?" Sydney inquired, looking at me with questioning eyes.

"I was out at the park with Thomas after work!"

"Oooh who's Thomas?" She cooed, perching herself on the arm of the sofa as I leant against the back of it.

"He's no one! Just a friend from work!" I grinned. Sydney squealed with happiness.

"Oh my God? You actually talked to someone and made friends with them at your work?" She said wide eyed, "Right, where's the camera? This is going in the Guinness World of Records!"

"Hey!" I laughed, as she began to stand up, "I'm not that bad you know?"

"Okay fine!" She gave in, "So, what's Thomas like?"

"He's different," I started, trying to find the words to describe him, "He's very sweet and kind. He can't stop making me laugh, and he's just, you know?"

"Different?" Sydney giggled, finishing my sentence off.

"Yeah, pretty much!" I grinned. It was true though! Every person whom I've ever met in my life, has always instantly judged me for being a work-freak, who's only purpose in life is to do well, and not mix with others. But that's not me! After what had happened at school, I was just very reserved. That way, I thought I wouldn't get hurt. So now, I'm very careful when making friends as I know most people judge me before they know me. But Thomas wasn't like that. He didn't judge me when he first met me. I could tell he tried to get to know me a bit, but as always, I was a little scared. Scared of being hurt again.

"Earth to Taylor?" Sydney sounded distant, and I could see something waving in front of my face. Shaking my thoughts away, I came back to reality to see Sydney clicking her fingers in my face.

"Oh, sorry. I ur, was just thinking!" I said quietly. Sydney just smirked at me, but didn't push the matter further.

"Well you should go and take a shower, and put some more warm clothes on! I don't want you catching a cold!" She instructed, getting off of the sofa and pushing me in the direction of the stairs. Groaning, I gave into her orders, and trudged up the stairs with my wet clothes dripping all over the carpet as I did.

"Oh and don't forget that Sam and the kids will be here soon from swimming!" Sydney shouted up after me.

"Okay, thanks for the warning!" I laughed, heading for my bedroom. I grabbed a towel and some fresh clothes, before jumping into the shower. A huge sigh of relief escaped me, as I let the hot water wash over my body. I'd forgotten how cold I was earlier, and the warmth of the water on my skin sent pleasant shivers down my spine. As I began washing my hair, I started to sing Fight Song, by Rachel Platton.

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song

My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

By the end of the song, I was finished in the shower and had dried myself down. I changed into an oversized red tartan flannel shirt, and some black leggings, before putting on some knee high socks. Ever since I was small, I had this thing about wearing odd socks. I would never wear the same two socks at once, and instead I would just always wear odd ones. Today, one was bright red with small penguins on it, and the other was black, with small dogs on it. Grinning, I pulled my hair into a messy bun, and left for the living room. Just as I walked down the stairs, the front door opened, and in rushed Mia, with her father and Teddy behind her.

"BUBBLES! YOU'RE HOME!" Mia screamed with joy, as she jumped into my arms and hugged me tight. Laughing, I wrapped my arms around her small figure, and twirled her round in the air.

"MIA! YOU'RE HOME!" I copied her, which made her giggle. Now, I guess I should explain the whole 'bubbles' thing. Basically, one night when I babysat Mia when she was just small and Teddy hadn't been born yet, I had run her a bath and put too much bubble bath in. So when I went into the bathroom with her, there were bubbles everywhere - and I mean everywhere! I ended up with them in my hair, my face, my ears, you name it. And ever since, Mia has called me Bubbles. It's kinda cute really.

"MUMMY!" Both Mia and Teddy cheered, as Sydney came into the hallway. With open arms, she brought them both into a giant bear hug.

"Oh, I missed you!" Sydney laughed, planting a kiss on their heads and holding them tight. The biggest smile grew on my face as I watched them. Their little family was perfect.

"Right you two, your dad and I have a little surprise for you!" Sydney grinned, raising her eyebrows at the pair of them, "Auntie Taylor is going to babysit you tonight because mummy and daddy are going out!" Loud cheers erupted from the small children as they jumped up and down. Grinning and laughing at the same time, Sydney kissed them again and stood up next to Sam.

"Right then, have fun, and not too late to bed tonight!" She said, before saying goodbye and closing the door behind them. Smiling, I turned to the kids and clapped my hands on my knees.

"Who's ready for some fun?"  

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