Chapter 38 - Two Weeks

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Taylor's P.O.V.
Two weeks. That's how long it lasted. That's how long Thomas could keep up his little secret. That's how long it took for my world to come crashing down around me. And that's how long it took for me to make my decision.

"Thomas, can you grab my sunglasses please?" I shouted out to him from the living room. Moments later, Thomas came back in his swimming shorts, and with two pairs of sunglasses on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Well who's going to be the beach king?" He grinned, holding out his arms to me.

"More like the beach idiot!" I laughed, quickly taking a picture of him in his gear, "You look ridiculous!"

"Rude!" Thomas chuckled as I came over and took my sunglasses from him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"Taylor," He breathed, his hot breath making my skin tingle, "You're the most beautiful girl that I've ever met, and, although it's hard to say, I'm honestly, in love with you." I caught my breath, and a large smile spread across my face.

"Aw, I love you too!" Grinning, Thomas placed his hands on either side of my face and pulled my lips to his. The kiss was long and passionate. As usual, Thomas would playfully bite at my lip, and I would mess up his hair with my hands. However, a sudden knock on the front door, caused us to pull away. Thomas rolled his eyes, and I just laughed.

"Right you, put a shirt on!" I smirked as I headed for the door, "I'll go and shoot whoever disturbed us." Thomas laughed and turned for his black t-shirt. Grinning, I jogged to the door and opened it. And that grin on my face faded.

"Hey Taylor," Molly smiled at me, "Fancy seeing you here!"

"What do you want?" I growled.

"I need to speak with Thomas," She explained, hopping from one foot to the other, "It's important."

"Who is it, love?" Thomas called from inside. He came up to my side and his gaze fell on Molly. And I noticed something in his eyes twitch.

"Hey Thomas," She smiled at him casually, "So I take it you two are together then?"

"Yes, but why does that concern you?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Can I talk to Thomas in private please? It's important," Molly sighed, exasperated.

"No, I want to hear what you've got to say!" I protested. Thomas placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Taylor, why don't you wait inside, love?" He began, "I'll talk to Molly outside."

"No," I laughed sarcastically, "I'm staying here."

"Oh, wait, didn't Thomas tell you?" My head snapped in Molly's direction.

"What?" I growled, in a warningly low tone.

"Didn't you ever wonder why your sweetheart Thomas didn't come home after that party?" She said sweetly, flashing me that sickening smile of hers, "Didn't he tell you?" I turned my head to Thomas, who was looking between me and Molly.

"And what did you need to tell Thomas?" I asked quietly, trying with all my might to control my anger.

"Oh, that's the best bit," She grinned, "I'm pregnant."

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