Chapter 12 - Admit It

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Thomas' P.O.V.
"In your face! I beat your sorry butt!" Dylan jeered, getting up and doing his victory dance for the fifth time. I buried my head in my hands and groaned.

"That's not fair!" I mumbled into my hands, but Dylan just laughed even more.

"Wanna play again?" He grinned at me as he sat back down on the floor.

"Nooooo!" I shook my head vigorously, "I am not losing to you again!"

"Aw, just one more game?" Dylan whined, giving me his best shot at puppy eyes. I burst into laughter, but a sudden bang caused me to scream with fright.

"Bloody hell! What was that?" I breathed heavily, clutching a hand over my chest. Dylan looked at me with a huge smirk on his face.

"You're seriously afraid of a little thunder?" He chuckled, "It's not that bad!" As if he had jinxed it, everything in the room flashed suddenly, and the power went off. The television, the lights, everything!

"Ahhhh!" Dylan screeched, jumping towards me and wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Whoa, Dylan!" I laughed, "Are you scared of the dark?"

"S-sort of!" He said quietly, removing his arms from my neck and folding his hands in his lap.

"Oh come on, it's not even that dark!" The room wasn't in total darkness seeing as there was some light from the windows, but it was dark and cloudy outside, so it didn't do much.

"Yeah I guess!" Dylan laughed a little, before sitting back against the sofa, "So what ya wanna do?"

"I dunno," Was all I said. My mind had grown distant, and I'd almost forgotten Dylan was there.

"Thomas? Tommy? What's up with you?" He asked, flicking his fingers in my face and bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was thinking," I replied quietly, fumbling with my fingers.

"What's up?" He said, turning round so that he was facing me properly. Should I tell him? It was really bugging me? I guess I could trust him - after all, he is my best friend.

"Right I'll tell you, but you must swear not to tell a soul!" I said sternly. He held up his hands and grinned.

"I swear I won't tell a soul!" He promised. Sighing with relief, I looked him in the eye.

"Yesterday, Taylor and I kissed."

"WHAT?" He exclaimed, a huge grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah, but we were acting!" I said quickly, so he didn't get the wrong idea. He looked at me now with a confused expression.

"Why were you acting?" So I told him. I told him about Molly, and how Taylor told me to follow her lead as she acted to be my girlfriend. I told him about her kissing me and about how confused I was now. By the time I was finished, he had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hm, well it's clear that you like her mate!" Dylan grinned, winking at me, "But like you said, it was just an act."

"Yeah, and well, I don't know if I like her or not. I mean, I've only just met her!" I muttered. Dylan nodded his head.

"Oh come on, Thomas! You've got to admit it!" He cried, "It's obvious!"

"But I don't want to ruin our friendship!" I said sadly, "She's not the sort of girl to go out with someone she's just met!"

"Well, see how things go! If you guys get closer, just ask her out! Can't do any harm!"

"Mm, okay yeah I guess!" I smiled.

Taylor's P.O.V.
I'd been sat in the bath now, in the pitch black for about two minutes straight. The water was cold, and my vision hadn't yet adjusted to the darkness. One way or another, I had to get out of here somehow. Carefully standing up, I felt for the side of the bath and placed one foot on the bath mat. Another boom of thunder blasted through the room, and I screamed from the fright. My foot on the mat slipped as I jumped, and I collapsed to the floor in a heap. My hip hit the cold, tiled floor and I groaned in pain. Well that went well! I can officially cross 'James Bond Secret Agent' off my list of possible careers. Clutching my hip whilst biting my tongue from the pain, I sat up and felt around for my towel. Wrapping it under my arms, I quickly grabbed my phone and turned on the torch app. Finally, I could see!

I quickly dried myself off and attempted at putting my clothes on. Now, have you ever tried to put a pair of skinny jeans on when your legs are still slightly damp? It's a bloody suicide mission! I managed to get one leg in, but when it came to the second one, I ended up hopping around the bathroom trying to get it in. After almost tripping over the toilet (don't know how, but I almost did!), I finally got them on. Sighing with relief, I slipped on my t-shirt, and towel dried my hair as I left.

The hallway was still quite dark, even though there was a slight greyish light about it. I could faintly hear Dylan and Thomas talking as I walked into the living room. They were both sat on the floor cross legged, and were talking in hushed tones.

"Heya!" I exclaimed, making them jump as I walked past them into the kitchen.

"Bloody hell, Taylor!" Dylan shouted, breathing heavily, "You scared the hell out of me!"

"Oh grow up!" I laughed, sitting beside Thomas on the floor, sipping at my glass of water, "So what have I missed?"

"Eh, not much!" Thomas sighed, shooting a quick look in Dylan's direction, "Did you notice the power had gone off?"

"Noooo, has it?" I said sarcastically, "Of course I noticed it go off! I was in the freakin' bath when it did! I had to get out in the pitch black, and the thunder made me jump so much that I practically fell out of it!" Both the boys burst into a fit of laughter, and I hit Thomas on the arm.

"Hey it wasn't funny! I really hit my hip hard on the floor!" I complained. This just caused them to laugh even more.

"Right, what shall we do now?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Urm, I dunno!" Dylan chuckled, "I have a charades app on my phone if you want to play that?"

"Sure, sounds fun!" Both me and Thomas grinned, setting up our phones as torches whilst Dylan set the game up.

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