Chapter 6 - Pizza, Flatmate and Sarah Milican

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Thomas' P.O.V.
Collapsing into the sofa, I let out a sigh and ran my hand through my hair. My clothes were a little damp from the rain earlier, so seeing as I had nothing better to do, I decided to go shower and get changed into my pyjamas. Once again warm, I dragged my feet lazily into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water. My phone suddenly started beeping and as I looked down, I noticed that I had a text message from Dylan. Grinning, I unlocked my phone to read it.

Dylan: Howdy Partner! How's it going?

I replied instantly, suddenly thankful for the company.

Me: Yeehaw cowboy! Eh, not good. I'm bored out of my bloody skull! How about you?

Dylan: Oh, that's no good! You need company ;)

I rolled my eyes as I read Dylan's message. He was always like that - trying to slip some joke into every sentence he can.

Me: Not that kind of company Dyl, but yeah.

Dylan: :p Well check your door - there's a surprise for ya!

Me: Oh God! Am I gonna need protection gear on or something?

Dylan: No, just answer the door.

Me: But Dylan, I'm scared!

Dylan: Just answer the bloody door you big woos!

Groaning, I walked towards the door with my phone still in my hand, and opened the front door. Dylan was stood there, with a pizza box in one hand, and DVDs in the other.

"Who's up for movies and pizza?" He grinned.

"Dylan! What are you doing here?" I laughed with surprise, as I let him into the flat.

"Dude, I just told you!" He chuckled. However, the grin on his face quickly turned into a smirk when he looked at my pyjamas.

"Nice pjs mate! Didn't know you were a fan of Disney!" I quickly looked down to see that I was wearing my black t-shirt with Mickey Mouse on, and some black and grey checkered trousers.

"Oh shut up!" I lightly hit him on the arm, which only caused him to laugh.

"You must be having to beat them away with a stick every night!" He snickered. Hitting him again, I plopped myself down on the sofa next to him.

"Soooo, what films do we have here?" I asked, picking the DVDs up from the coffee table, "X-Men, Star Wars, The Hangover and, wait why did you bring Sarah Milican's live show with you?"

"Oh shoot, must have picked that up by accident!" Dylan blushed, grabbing the DVD from me, "It's my sister's, and she must have left it on the table with mine!"

"Uh huh, sure!" I chuckled, "Right, what ya wanna watch first?"

"The Hangover!" Dylan cheered.

Two hours later...

As the film finished, my phone buzzed on the table. Grumbling, I heaved myself up off the sofa and picked it up.

"Oh bloody hell!" I moaned, throwing my phone down on the sofa and face palming myself.

"What's up, Sangster?" Dylan asked, his eyebrows raised with confusion.

"I forgot to pay my electricity bill again!" I groaned, jumping off the sofa and reaching for my laptop, "I've got to pay a fee for late payment!"

"Ugh, that sucks big time mate!" Dylan sighed.

"You don't know that half of it!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air, "I'm falling behind on my mortgage payments, and now on my bills! If I don't get these paid soon, I'm gonna be moving back in with my parents at this rate!"

"Well then, I may have the solution to your problems!" Dylan grinned, coming to sit next to me, "Why don't you get a flatmate? You know, get them to pay you rent and voila!" I stared blankly at Dylan for a moment, as the gears clicked around in my head. A flatmate? Why hadn't I thought of that? That would give me some extra money each month, and it would also give me some company. I hate being on my own in this flat all the time! A flatmate would solve that, and who knows, I might even make a new friend!

"Dylan. You. Are. A genius!" I practically yelled, jumping up and tackling him with a hug.

"Whoa! No problem mate!" He laughed as I pulled away and returned to my computer. I quickly paid my electricity bill online and re-joined Dylan on the sofa. At about one in the morning, we were both laying there, watching the credits roll down the screen as our third film ended.

"And that's X-Men done and dusted!" Dylan said lazily, "Right, what's next?"

"Um, Sarah Milican!" I laughed, watching as Dylan doubled over and groaned as loud as he could, "Oh come on, how bad could it be?" Reluctantly, Dylan gave in and I played the DVD. And before we knew it, the pair of us were laughing our bloody asses off! There were tears in my eyes as I howled with laughter, whilst Dylan cried and cried, clapping his hand on his leg.

"Oh my God that was bloody hilarious!" I breathed heavily, as the show finished.

"I don't think I've cried so much with laughter in my life!" Dylan said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, "Right then, I guess we should get some sleep."

"Yeah, yeah," I agreed, sitting back in the sofa and shutting my eyes. Before I could do anything to prevent it, both Dylan and I had fallen fast asleep on the sofa.  

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